
/ #115

2015-03-18 17:39

Utterly crazy that there is even the need for a petition. Losing the airport in Cork would devastate tourism in an area badly hit by the recession, collapse the still fragile housing market, drive all those multinationals that have made their base in Cork to close and go somewhere where there is infrastructure to support them, utterly wipe out all the Government sponsored tourism initiatives like the Wild Atlantic Way... Utterly crazy. And I'm told that Shannon was bailed out of its own debt, which is now why it's a thriving and growing transport hub bringing tourism industry and therefore jobs to the region.

Bail out the bank debt so that you can repay all those German savings banks and wreck the country's economy with a generation of debt, but bail out your own airport to support tourism, industry, jobs and an entire region - no, too expensive. Ridiculous.