We need Pat Partington


/ #28 #valueforstudentfees

2015-05-07 14:24

Bio-psycho-social... Pat is a gem, I know about a lot of people who should leave before a core lecturer like him, who is so vital for our chiropractic education and the direction the profession is taking. Who is going to take on this subject? Is it going to be removed? What about chronic pain management, which applies to the vast majority of our LBP patients, not to mention 50% or more of the patients seeing a chiropractor?

Financial problems? It didn´t seem like it before the MRI was bought. We were assured that it would not affect the budget OR impact us??? Many students worry more about their finances than their exams! I still don´t see how it has real any benefit for the interns in the clinic. Just a new gadget to show off.