Keep Tyler Gibson At West Muskingum High School


/ #9 From your older sister..

2015-07-17 01:58

Tyler is my younger brother and I love him no matter what he does.He made some mistakes and now he has to deal with the outcome of those. I just want to put this out there right now he was NOT dealt a crappy hand he was actually taken out of a crappy situation when he was younger and placed in one that has made him who he is today and he made some choices that messed that up and he knows that. Where he is NOW is what's best for him. I know that he loves going to West Muskingum and I hope that he can work something out to where he can continue to go there but  there are other things and people that tie into that decision. West Muskingum was once new to him just like any other school would be and he is a bright young man and can get along with anyone and make friends anywhere. I love that he has so much support from all of his friends and his girlfriend and her family but remember that you don't know the whole situation and how worse his life could have been. I love you bubby and you know I am here for you always. 

Alicia Gibson