Keep Tyler Gibson At West Muskingum High School

Brianna Renner

/ #14 Brianna Renner

2015-07-17 03:14

Why don't you stop commenting, no one cares what you have to say. If you don't like him then deal with it. Because I could honestly care less, and same goes for Tyler. In life there will be people you don't like, learn to block them out and get over it. If you are the one Tyler is "bullying", which I find hard to believe Tyler's a bully, but if that is so, then you need to take some constructive criticism yourself too, and stick up for yourself instead of writing irrelevant, anonymous comments. Why comment when you have nothing nice to say? & why comment if your going to be anonymous? At least I'll say who I am. Your saying Tyler needs to leave & take his girlfriend with him, maybe you should leave & take that additude with you. No one needs your comments.