No "refugees" in Ireland


/ #3

2015-11-16 23:55

Mass rape epidemic coming across europe. Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, France among others. A 7 years old child was raped by refugee's in a small town in Germany, Two 19 year olds were raped in Brussels....Your letting in a minority of people that will make ireland their home, by doing what they have been brought up to do in their own countries where women are pieces of property. There are countless statemments by refugee's that they will rape western women in order to re-populate the west with their bloodlines. 4,000 refugees to be welcomed in Ireland...I didn't see any petitions, no protests to stop them.....Nothing!!! OPEN YOUR EYE'S - This IRISH man will be defending his bloodlines with brutal concequences to anyone that puts his family or any female (bloodline or not) in harms way!