/ #5

2015-11-18 18:56

the true measure of a man is not how he reacts in times of triumph, but rather how many shrimp he can eat in a single sitting. with this in mind i think it would be appropriate to change the mascot to a shrimp. the shrimp is not only a symbol of the greatness of humanity, but of the eternal love between man and shrimp. once on a week long scuba dive in the south saharian desert i started drowning. i was 50 feet underwater and there was no way i could make it to the surface in time. i was as good as dead. but then i wasn't. i woke up on the shore of the desert and looked around me only to see that i was surounded by shrimp. i named each of these shrimp, bobby, billy, bobo, mary, jane, sue, but the leader was named shrimpy. it was shrimpy that saved my life on that faitful day and, and in memory of shrimpy the shrimp i think the mascot should change.