NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education


/ #135

2016-09-27 12:23

My family also cannot afford to pay my fees, so I am studying with a bank loan, because I want to study and make a better life for myself . Tersiary studies are a privilage and this comes at a cost, so these hooligans are depriving me 1. an education and 2. a better life. If I cannot complete my studies this year ,they are costing me another years interest on my loan, if the bank will allow me to postpone repayments by another year and another year of not having a fixed income. I do not want you to toy-toy for me ( as you state you are doing), because I want the best education I can get and if no one wants to pay, the universities will not be able to afford the best lecturers. You are fooling yourself in thinking that government is going to cover the cost of all the thousands of students in this country. I do ackowledge that you have a right to an opinion, but not at my expense - PLEASE. I WANT TO STUDY!!!!!, SO PLEASE RESPECT MY RIGHTS AS WELL