Mashaba Bring back our WiFi



2016-11-15 16:47



Dear Mayor Mashaba,   CC: DA-EFF and COJ Administration  




As the activists in the country are engaging on #DataMustFall given the exorbitant costs of data your administration deepens the crisis for a black and unemployed child of the Inner-City, Alexandra, Soweto, Orange Farm and other townships and black communities.

Given my professional area of focus, it really pains me that the first consideration in your cost cutting measure is limiting the black child from accessing the internet. Access to internet remains the major enabler to access to information. It is the internet that makes it easier for any government to promote access of information by its people. It is through internet that young people are able to access information that empowers them to fight the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality. It is through this internet Mr. Mayor that young people are able to further their studies with UNISA whilst they are busy in their casual employment to fund their studies and feed their families. Mr. Mayor, it is through this internet that a township learner whom the Provincial Education Department provided with a tablet is able to study after school using this tablet accessing internet provided by the caring government. It is through this internet Mr. Mayor that some of the young people from townships are able to do their research studies through this internet that you, Mr. Mayor are taking from them.

Our education system is transforming Mr. Mayor and the use of paperless class rooms require this infrastructure that has been rolled out for connectivity purposes.   Mr. Mayor don’t get me wrong but it is my believe that the Wi-Fi connectivity is very important to the working class and the poor. It represents a potential to change the trajectory of South Africa’s youth, building the leaders of tomorrow and encouraging many of us to become citizens of the world. At the same time, it will grow the economy and establish tourism as a key to unlocking opportunities for our people. Keeping this in mind, developmental local government is a constitutional requirement. Possible I need to mention this Mr. Mayor, you are not doing us a favour by providing access to internet but you doing what local government are required to do as their constitutional mandate. Stop your political squabbles and provide us with access to internet through Wi-Fi.

Therefore all demands made by the Joburg Social Movement and the youth of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality are fully supported and your office is requested to intervene in unlocking.


Yours Sincerely  

Sasabona Manganye

Joburg Community Activis