Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #358

2012-02-11 17:33

All I heard from elementary teachers after the week off in October was how it took a week to get he kids back on their schedule. Obviously, that was a slip of the tongue because the next comment was that the balanced calendar was still a good idea because the teachers wouldn't have to use personal and sick days to use for doctor appts, etc. :-/ interesting.
Second, in the south it does save money, not only utility, but also administrative, to take summers off. Thirdly, there are many studies out there that say there is very little difference between the two options. Actually, a balanced calendar helped minority children by a single percent. I don't know about other parents, , but my kids have to read and do math throughout the summer and lose no ground at all in the fall. Parents need to pick up their end of the stick here.
I think for high schoolers, it may be a benefit, but not for elementary children. Personally, I hate the public school system, and have removed two of my three children, placing them in private. HUGE difference!! I'll wait until 3rd grade to place the other in private. Up to third grade, public is pretty harmless.
All for summers off! It s a different type of learning, but learning nonetheless.