Petition to Shut Down Provo Canyon School


/ #6 YES

2012-05-22 10:32

Just to clarify for my sake... I don't know what the cryptic "no" was supposed to convey, but YES to 204-my brother was at Provo for a year and just like 204, some part of him died. He has never been the same and what happens there is so horrific that family members don't even want to believe what they hear when their son/daughter/brother/sister tries to share the experience with someone that is supposed to be safe and compassionate. Instead, I was in denial and felt very bad for my brother, but I will be honest and admit that what he told me had happened didn't seem to be very likely. I knew it was a tough place to be (we had been at a children's home together at one point, so I wasn't completely naive to the "system," but I was completely naive to Provo). Years later I accidentally come across a Provo Survivors site and feel complete shame followed by what I can only describe as very controlled anger at what happened and is still happening-STILL. It took reading the stories of other survivors for me to realize that I was horribly wrong in assuming that places like Provo couldn't exist in our country... the reality is that it is going to take an army to save the people that are being tortured and kept in ways that are sickening and very, very REAL. NO ONE deserves what happens there and YES it will be shut down, as long as there are voices and as long as we remember that it is over for us or our family member, but not those that are still suffering, we can do something to regain what Provo took away, we can save others and pledge to not shut up until this place is closed down... in the name of Survivors, lend your voice, sign your name, be awake to the reality of what happens and know it is not being dramatized-the reality is torture only Survivors can truly describe and each story piles up to what 204 has described. Survivors need a voice (and yes, I capitalize the "S" for those that made it out), those that haven't made it out NEED our voice... our voices need to get louder and louder until there is no choice but to listen, no choice but to hear, no choice but shut us all up and that can only happen one way... please help us close Provo Canyon School, YES we will keep fighting and NO ONE will stop us.