Opposition to ITV

Mohamed Adam - ITV

/ #140 Challenge to the Ulema who oppose Islamic Media

2012-07-30 08:12

Some ill informed guests make the argument that they use their exising TVs to rather watch 100% Haraam TV Channels since they know that it is Haraam and they can make Taubah. This is like saying you rather consume pork and alcohol and committ Zina which you know to be 100% Haraam then go to an Islamic Restuarant which is owned by a Muslim who has 100% Good Intention but who may be making less than 0.01% error in committing sins ( e.g. Patrons of the resturant are not separated male from female ) because of the danger that you will be more likely to commit sin at a Halaal place than a Haraam place.

The absudity of this argument by the opponents to Islamic Media is clear and shows they have not applied their minds logically and rationally to this issue.

By opposing Islamic Media they are on the side of the enemies of Islam. What answer have these opponents got to forumulate a response to the worldwide onslaught against Muslims and Islam? It is easy to criticise.

Please ask the Ulema who condemn Islamic Media to give a written action plan for Muslims to counter the Haraam Media which are harming the Muslim Ummah and spreading EVIL througout the world. See my detailed comments earlier above for more details in this regard.