Opposition to ITV


/ #236 Re:

2012-08-03 11:00

#227: Bint Abdulla -

Sorry, sister with all due respect to all the other Ulama, ask yourself how many of them spoke up when it mattered? Everyone was silent on the sanha Haraam chickens, the Riba banks, the Radio Shaytaan activities, the MMB, MJC's Haraam vark labeled and fed to Muslims...

Indeed the other Ulama are on Haq, but when it really mattered, it's the Majlis and the Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng that spoke up FEARLESSLY.

That is why only they were smeared as being exteremist and crazy and others were spared.

Perhaps they were using hikmat, since they are pious. Only Allah knows why they were silent until now.

Perhaps they should tour the country and give Bayaan in every town about the Haraam ITV. That will really shake up the masses.