shameful gang rape


/ #15

2013-01-15 12:04

Most of the TV serials and Indian Masala movies depict inappropriately a culture that is alien to the Indian society and actual behaviour. One or generations of these visuals imbed the culture among children that 'it' is the 'ok' thing to follow. How many controls can parents or teacher put on the children and adelocents? They grow up to mimik the tiny home & the big silver screen. THIS IS THE ROOT CAUSE. The fuel to this fire is the judicial system which is soooooo slooooooooowww that the culprits can get away while the victims have to relive the horror. CAN WE ALL get togeather and pressurize the producers and directors to give us good movies and serials without the bang, smatch and smoooch. We can then be a better society and produce better citizens.