ISD #728 Administration

Quoted post

progressive parent


2014-01-10 01:21

I totally agree with, like, and support this proposal. They are not eliminating any Phy Ed. They are only moving it to an elective for one of the two years. All students will still be required to take Phy Ed for one year. Students who want to take 2 years of Phy Ed can still do it, but may think carefully about whether it will be beneficial in their post-secondary plans.

We don't force students who have no interest or talent in music to take band or choir. Why do we force students who have no interest or talent in sports to take Phy Ed for two years in high school? I agree physical Education is necessary in elementary and middle school, but I don't believe it is necessary in high school. Forty minutes a day for nine months is not going to make a difference whether a teenager is obese or not. The habits that lead to obesity have become established long before high school. I'm glad our district is thinking about and heading toward graduating students who are better prepared to enter college.



#59 Re:

2014-01-28 00:54:02

#45: progressive parent -

Great callout. It grows tiresome seeing emotional uneducated ccomments.


#63 Re:

2014-01-28 01:00:47