Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!

Quoted post


#241 Re: Re: Re:

2014-11-19 22:56

#30: Citizen that believes in our Constitution - Re: Re:  

 I AGREE 100% if those who do not agree with this let them change the channel just like I change the channel when the homosexual shows come on. The reason they want this show off the air is because they know their life style is against God and they dont want it rubbed into their face, that if they dont have to see or hear the truth then that makes them exempt, but I am here to tell you they know the truth and they try and hide from God and his word but you can not hide from God! He knows your sin and you will be held accountable unless you get on your knees and ask the Lord Jesus into your heart, unless you do your doomed to the lake of fire for all eternity



#252 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2014-11-19 23:07:56

#241: Pamela - Re: Re: Re:  

 I'd like this show off the air because it is about a bunch of inbred morons trying to overpopulate the earth.


#957 Constitution or otherwise be a decent person

2014-11-20 04:19:13

#241: Pamela - Re: Re: Re:  

 They show is dumb because people choose to watch others lives rather then live their own... Besides that point, regardless of whether or not the show should be taken off the air. Your point about them wanting the show off the air because "they know their life style is against God and they don't want it rubbed in their face" is hypicritical. You think you are any different, I have delt with it time and time again. Just because you believe in something doesn't make it fact and you Christians/religious people have no problem telling anyone that they are wrong. So when someone tells you, you are wrong you lose it. Get a grip, you respect people no more then anyone else get off your high horse. The Duggers are being Ass Holes because they think they are better then everyone else. Stop acting like that is for a noble cause. Being an dick is being an dick