Justice For Jacob

Quoted post

Standing up for myself


2015-08-14 10:32

I signed the petition because it could of been anyone.. That peice of shit was LOOKING for someone to rob that day. I am a 5'6 32 old white adult.. I look young for my age.. & although I don't ride my bike in that area, I could of.. & had it been on July 11th, I would of defended my property -just like Jacob did. & THATS WHY HE WAS SHOT! What (14 yr old) CARRIES A F**KING PISTOL but also is CAPABLE of shooting & killing someone during a well thought out Robbery? I'll tell you what kind... A 14 yr old who has no conscious & should spend the rest of his life in prison. Because most likely, he (was taught) & had a chip on his shoulder (towards anyone of authority or white to begin with) in Jacobs case,, -a white boy who stood up for himself. IF YOU TAKE AN INNOCENT LIFE, YOU GET LIFE!!!



#430 Re:

2015-08-14 10:56:32

#429: Standing up for myself -  

 ...and I say once he is sentenced to life, everyone here should send him a picture of Jacobs bike every yr while he sits in prison amongst his family & friends as some kind of idol for killing someone.

-Sadly, "the bike" is probably the only regret he'll ever for where he is.. so why not remind him what he never got!!