Alert ! French conservators-restorers are in danger !

Quoted post



2016-03-31 17:50

The program at the Sorbonne has produced out-standing
conservators--that is, not craftspeople who FIX things when
they are broken--but professionals whose understainding of
materials, their physical, chemical and structural properties
allows them to PRESERVE the heritage of France.


This was understood already at the time of the revolution of

the 18th century--it speaks not well of the lawmakers of the 21st
century that they lack the understanding and foresight of
their predecessors. The proper preservation of one's patrimony
is the sacrosanct duty of any government--and for this reason
I have signed this petition to keep and support the university
level training of future generations of caretakers of the heritage
of France



#46 Re:

2016-04-01 23:05:50

#44: -  

I fully agree, as senior conservation professional at the Rijksmuseum and as a long time lecurer in conservation at the University of Amsterdam.
Generations of great effort went into raising art conservation to its high international and scientific level of education and practice. To return this profession today to a mere 'mister fix it' level would a barbaric act in an otherwise so culturally rich country like France. It would effectively turn the French nation into a cultural paria.
In fact it may be time for another French revolution to bring an end to the outdated feudal-style system in which curators still wield absulute power over a large population of conservators hoping to be awarded contracts by the major museums. Lets hope a revolution is not necessary and that it will be understood by reason that scientifically trained conservators are equal partners in the care of cultural heritage. And that this would lead to a balance of both curators and consevators as permant staf members in French institutions, for nowadays young conservators study as long (if not longer) in university as young art historians to get their degrees.
Although I am not French, I consider the cultural treasures of France - created over millenia - of immense importance for humanity. The importance of thse treasures rises far above a national interest. In my opinion there is a duty to continue taking care of these treasures on the highest professional level. I wish everyone involved enough widom of the millennia to consolidate the conservation profession at its highest level in France.