Worldwide Request To A-HA To Live Stream On Internet Their Final Concert In Oslo

Quoted post

Gina van Haperen-Tijnagel

#302 So many fans, so little chance...

2010-10-15 17:39

Hey, I've seen their concert in A'dam,
10-10-2010. It was my first ever and how I have enjoyed it! Even my 2 daughters loved it.
It was fantastic. The live performance was awesome. I was already a fan 25 years ago. It's a shame they are retirering. There are so many fans who like to be there in Oslo. So yes if there is a possibility to be there and to see and hear them, in another way....Please give this last, united possibility, for all over the world to their fans. We will always be gratefull.


Zilli u. Adrienne

#314 Re: So many fans, so little chance...

2010-10-17 20:15:38

#302: Gina van Haperen-Tijnagel - So many fans, so little chance...

Aha Ihr seit echt die besten , ich habe all die  Jahre eure ganzen Songs verfolgt  ......Schade das Ihr nicht weiter singt Ihr seit einfach Spitze I Love You for ever.........Schreibt mir bitte auch mal eure Zilli u. Adrienne