Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools

Quoted post


#227 Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-17 23:17

#40: MT - Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

The problem is that the teachers give work that needs to be completed over these breaks.  It's only a break if the kids don't have projects, upcoming tests, etc. due when they get back!



#229 Re: Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-17 23:37:33

#227: - Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb 

Not only do they have school work to do over the breaks but they are also not released from any school related practices. We cannot take a break when the school is closed but  the coach or band director is still calling practice or even scheduling extra ones. We might as well go to school.