Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

Quoted post

marcial oza

#1351 Respect the Legacy of Michael Jackson

2010-11-22 21:57

I support this petition to preserve and respect Michael Jackson's legacy... I will not allow sony and the executors to destroy and disrespect MJ's music and image..and I as a big fan of michael want a real good quality of MJ songs and album now and in the future... I earned hard for my money to buy michael's album and i deserves a real and good quality of MJ's music,even not michael's song sony must release a good quality of album bcoz they're big and well known corporate in music industry. The consumers has right to demand from them bcoz we don't want to spend our hard earned money for junk!Please sony RESPECT the consumers and michael's fans!


jolanda dams

#1373 Re: Respect the Legacy of Michael Jackson

2010-11-23 23:25:28

#1351: marcial oza - Respect the Legacy of Michael Jackson 

 i'm glad that i'm not the only one who thinks like that. when i hear another choir on the background than michael's voice i will never buy it. i'm for 30 years a fan from michael so i know his voice verry well. i even had to learn the song ben out of my head 30 years ago for a musictest on highschool. i could sing the song on the same tone like michael did when he was 14 years old so it was verry good.