Keep the Toledo postal processing plant open.

The postmaster general has chosen a list of processing plants to close in an effort to cut spending and save money because the usps has been mandated to prefund health benefits to retirees for the next 70 years. If the plant closes, your local mail will be processed in michigan before it comes back down to be delivered to you. So far a date around April of 2015 has been set to close. I would like to see if we can raise awareness and support to keep this facility open and provide the level of service and speed you are used to, and have come to expect.

It's about the community and the service they deserve and have come to expect. It's also about the jobs and people that provide them that service and the lives and livelihood of those people. Most production has already left the downtown p&dc and been moved to michigan, don't let consolidation and budget cuts erode the level of service we've provided to you for so many years.