Let's get Jules her phone back

hello fellow followers,
It has become increasingly difficult to not be able to reach my best friend 24/7 and such, I have decided to start this petition as it has come to my attention that I am not the only one. If u have made it to the secondary paragraph of this nonsense statement, I strongly advice you to sign the following petition. Yes, there is a negative chance anything will change, but it is (maybe) worth the try. I can't remember the last time I did something for no reason and therefor, J probably can't either, so I have decided to add some motivation. The famous vid will be circulating to some lucky winners. Yes, I realized that while writing this you've probably seen it, as after all, it is famous. A little more kindness** will be delivered to the signies of this well thought out petition. The second reason is I despouse doing her streaks and having convos w ** on her behalf. Also since neither of us r cool sign this under multiple identities by clearing ur search history. If u don't know how to do that then ur a child and we don't want ur signature (jk pls pls pls sign this) HMU if u know how to use commas, as it is evident that I don't have a clue this is longer than my English essay better go write that