Petition against uranium mining in Kuusamo, Finland
No uranium mining in Kuusamo!
There are plans to build several uranium-gold-mines in Kuusamo, southeast of Finnish Lapland. Uranium mining causes radioactive contamination of air, water and soil. The rivers, which have flown thousands of years with potable water, are in danger of getting poisoned by radioactive mining waste.
We all, the undersigned, do not and will not agree to any kind of mining or building that directly or indirectly are involved in uranium production within and in the surroundings of Kuusamo. We, the undersigned, are regarding such activities as destructive to Kuusamo people livelihood, polluting the land and causing health hazards. We insist that the Kuusamo township takes all necessary measures in order to stop all kind of uranium mining activities.
Petition in Finnish: "Ei uraanikaivostoimintaa Kuusamoon!":
Join “Ei uraanikaivoksia Kuusamoon” (No uranium mining in Kuusamo) pages in Facebook:!/pages/Ei-uraanikaivoksia-Kuusamoon/176573525686757?sk=info
Thank You for your support!
The people's action group against uranium mining in Kuusamo
Lapland’s People Against Uranium Power (registered association)
Lappilaiset Uraanivoimaa Vastaan ry Contact the author of the petition
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