Petition for preserving the 4-year study programme at the Secondary Grammar School Park mládeže 5 in Košice, Slovakia


Petition for preserving the 4-year study programme at the Secondary Grammar School Park mládeže 5 in Košice, according to the law No. 29/2015 Collection of Laws, which modifies and adds to the law No. 85/1900 Collection of Laws on petitioning right.  

Dear parents, teachers, contemporary and future students as well as alumni of our school, everybody concerned,

referring to the decree of the Košice Self-governing Region head of 30th of November 2018, the 4-year study programme at our school should not be continued in the next academic year 2019/2020. This decision is unacceptable to us, because it has been made in a non-transparent way and without being based on any objective criteria.

The 4-year study programme at our grammar school has a long-standing, more than a 25-year-long tradition. This study also maintains a high-quality level in the long term, which is based on the evidence of our school´s public ratings, the results of the external school-leaving exams, achievements in the Olympiads as well as in various competitions. Over a long period of time, the number of registered applicants exceeds three and more times the number actually accepted. Another evidence of this is that for the 2018/2019 school year the number of applicants for the 4-year study programme at our school was the second highest among all secondary grammar schools in Slovakia. The quality of the school is also confirmed by the high success rate in university admissions of our graduates in Slovakia and abroad. We strongly believe that preserving the 4-year study programme at our school is in the public interest.

Therefore, we appeal to The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic to review and overturn the decree issued by the Košice Self-governing Region and to preserve the 4-year study programme at Secondary Grammar School, Park mládeže in Košice. We demand to have the aforementioned 4-year study programme for the academic year 2019/2020 allowed.

The petition committee:  

1. Mgr. Zuzana Krajcárová, Sokoľany 88, 044 57 Košice
2. Ing. Albín Sakal, Letná 22, 040 01 Košice
3. Mgr. Martina Töröková, Orechová 4, 040 01 Košice
4. Mgr. Viera Kišeľáková, Orná 19, 040 18 Košice-Krásna
5. RNDr. Zuzana Majerčáková, Štefánikova 46, 040 01 Košice
6. Bc. Melánia Repovská, Tatranská 17, 040 01 Košice
7. Jozef Mikloš, Čingovská 9, 040 12 Košice

Please support our efforts by signing this petition until 7th January 2019

Mgr. Zuzana Krajcárová    Contact the author of the petition