Prevent the Electricity Authority of Cyprus from stopping domestic photovoltaic electricity generation via ripple control

The EAC, which has a monoply on the provision of electricity to domestic users in Cyprus has the power to stop the generation of electricity from domestic photovoltaic installations via ripple control whenever they deem it necessary. Their argument is that they  need to control over production, which they say,  might bring down their network and cause disruption.  This is partly due to the lack of planning and foresight in designing a system that can accommodate the thousands of photovoltaic installations. They could invest in storage installation facilities (batteries). They could also leave the poor domestic photovoltaic user out of this unfair practice, who after investing a fortune to install photovoltaics to save money from the exuberant prices that EAC charge (again their fault for lack of planning and foresight, paying millions in fines to the EU for burning fossil fuel to create energy) find themselves losing money again by having their electricity production curtailed. The EAC can curtail electricity oversupply from professional photovoltaic farms who are after all, in it for money thus sparing the domestic user from this injustice. When I complained formally to the EAC, they simply told me that it's in the terms and conditions which I signed.  I countered with "what choice did I have but sign", since they are the ONLY supplier. I was also given false information about this (they said I can switch to a private electricity supplier if I was unhappy) but after looking into it, this is totally incorrect. There are no alternative energy suppliers in Cyprus for domestic users.

Mr George Andreas Antoniou    Contact the author of the petition

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