Roberto Bolle ~ Romeo and Juliet DVD

The label is on the tin. 

Despite his absolute domination of the role of Romeo, there has never been a performance DVD of Roberto Bolle dancing in a full length version of Romeo and Juliet.  This is a petition to encourage those in a position to do it, to create a DVD of Roberto Bolle in the forthcoming performance at Teatro alla Scala, Milano in October 2014.


Giselle, La Bayadere, Swan Lake, A Midummer Night's Dream, Le Bella Addormentata, Excelsior and others, all fabulous, superb productions. Anything missing?

Roberto has a gift - apart from the obvious one, and that is that he is able to draw people to him, not only in Italy, but from around the world, and enthuse and inspire them to live and breathe his art with him.

Art and Culture makes us better human beings, it teaches us about life, it removes us from the day to day routine, alters our perspective. It improves not only us, but the communities we live in, and connects us to humanity in a way nothing else can.

Since Roberto danced into the world, and took it by storm, he has been recognised, not only by us, the viewing public, but by his peers too, as the prime interpreter of the role of Romeo. He is the quintessential Romeo.


In October, Roberto is dancing Romeo and Juliet at Teatro alla Scala.  What an opportunity to capture a consummate artist in what is probably his finest role, not only for now, but for posterity ~  before it is too late. It would be a disaster if we let the opportunity slip past, if we turned and said 'Why didn't we', - 'what were we thinking of?'