Save Mullaperiyar Dam and Protect Lives

Subject: Petition to Save Mullaperiyar Dam and Protect Lives

Dear people

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I write to you today with a deep sense of concern and urgency regarding the precarious situation surrounding the Mullaperiyar Dam in Kerala, India. As a concerned citizen, I kindly request your attention and action to address this pressing issue.

The Mullaperiyar Dam, an engineering marvel that has stood for over 128 years, is currently facing severe leakage problems. The potential consequences of its failure are dire, with an estimated 30 to 35 lakh (3-3.5 million) lives at risk. The densely populated areas surrounding the dam are home to countless families and communities whose lives depend on the safety and stability of this vital infrastructure.

Therefore, I, along with the undersigned individuals, hereby petition for immediate action to save the Mullaperiyar Dam and protect the lives of millions. We humbly request the following actions be taken:

Urgent Inspections: Conduct comprehensive and independent inspections of the Mullaperiyar Dam to assess its structural integrity and identify potential risks associated with the leakage.

Collaborative Efforts: Facilitate collaboration between the Kerala State Government, the Government of India, and relevant international organizations to pool expertise, resources, and support for the swift resolution of the leakage problem.

Remedial Measures: Allocate necessary funds for immediate repair and maintenance of the dam to address the leakage issue effectively. Implement appropriate engineering solutions to ensure the long-term safety and stability of the dam.

Transparency and Public Engagement: Ensure transparency in communicating the status of the Mullaperiyar Dam to the public. Engage with affected communities, provide timely updates, and address their concerns and anxieties regarding the dam's safety.

Environmental Considerations: Conduct environmental impact assessments and take necessary measures to minimize the ecological consequences of any remedial actions undertaken at the Mullaperiyar Dam.

We believe that by promptly addressing these concerns, we can prevent a potential catastrophe and safeguard the lives of millions who rely on the Mullaperiyar Dam for their water supply, irrigation, and livelihoods.

We kindly request you to take this petition into consideration, using your influence and authority to advocate for the urgent measures needed to save the Mullaperiyar Dam and protect the lives of the people it serves.

We thank you for your attention to this matter of utmost importance. Together, let us take decisive action and work towards securing a safe and prosperous future for the people of Kerala.


Also send this petition to all (,,,,,,,,,, <>,,, <>,

Yours faithfully,

Anwar Salahudeen



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