#NoMoreExclusion #TaiwanCanHelp #HealthForAll #不要再將台灣排除在世界衛生組織(WHO)之外  



Verzoeken: De Tweede Kamer om de verantwoordelijke minister(s) hierover te informeren en vervolgens aan de betreffende minister(s) te vragen om bij de WHO aan te dringen om zich te houden aan het eigen Handvest, te stoppen met verdere politisering van de gezondheid, en zich uit te spreken voor de toelating van Taiwan tot de WHA.

Peggy Lin (Veldhoven, 2019-05-10)


Taiwan needs to be included in WHA. Western world cannot let China depress us.

Yu Er Chang (Rotterdam, 2019-05-10)


Taiwan has even higher population than the Netherlands and shouldn't be excluded from the world. We have our right for the health just as the Dutch!

Gary Wang (tilburg, 2019-05-10)


Working for better health is the responsibility of every individual everywhere, there should be no exception in spite of different religions, races, political disputes.

Susanne Yen (Den Haag , 2019-05-10)


Taiwan is one of the best country in the world in this field. We can definitely provide many valuable information, precautions, etc to make this world a better place. And tbh the very first intention to set up WHO is to help “everyone” out there in this regard, regardless of their political position. We do everything to help this world and we certainly don’t deserve a neglect from the world back :(

YuTung Liu (Groningen , 2019-05-10)


Taiwan can help.

Daisy Huang (Schijndel , 2019-05-10)



KY Katie (Apeldoorn , 2019-05-10)


I am a Taiwanese. Taiwan is a liberal country with sovereignty that shouldn't be excluded from international organizations, especially those which can benefit million lives in Taiwan and abroad. On the top of that, issues regarding health, environment and the earth shouldn't be contaminated and restricted by politic issues. I sincerely sign and support this Petition. Hope to receive support from countries that constitute WHO to stop this injustice act.

Chen-Pei Lin (Nijmegen, 2019-05-10)


I am Taiwanese

Jason Chuang (Delft, 2019-05-10)


I love my country and I believe that we should be treated equally by any ways

Sih Yu Huang (Taichung , 2019-05-10)


De politiek mag gezondheidsrechten niet negeren.
We blijven vechten voor onze rechten om bij te dragen aan de wereldwijde gezondheidsbeveiliging, ongeacht hoe hard # Beijing de deelname van Taiwan aan de Wereldgezondheidsassemblee (WHA) en haar activiteiten, vergaderingen en mechanismen probeert te blokkeren.

Yee-Hwa Chin (Amsterdam, 2019-05-11)


Taiwan, with high quality medical service and advanced public health education, should not be excluded from WHA. Taiwan can help, the Netherlands can help us!

Chiaochuan Chen (Hoofddorp, 2019-05-11)


If all humans are equal, Taiwanese people shouldn't be excluded from WHO because of polical reasons.

Shu-Man Huang (Eindhoven , 2019-05-11)


Health is more important than politics.

Frank van Muiden (Amsterdam, 2019-05-11)


I have a deep rooted love for Taiwan and I will do anything in my power to make Taiwan a better place.

Sanne Meijer (Amsterdam, 2019-05-11)


We're part of the global village. Health is beyond political bondage. No one or coutry should exclude anyone living in this global village from WHO. Taiwan has the well known one of the best health or medical system in which all citizen is benefited from it and that is envy by all people around the world. Taiwan is willing and is capable of making great contribution to the world to WHO. Try Taiwan!

傑生 蔡 (Taipei, 2019-05-11)


It's important for Taiwan, even for Asia.

Chia-Chi Chang (Taipei City, 2019-05-11)


Health is beyond nationality and politics. It's human rights, so Taiwan shouldn't be excluded.

Xin-Ya Lin (Utrecht, 2019-05-11)


Taiwan need to be part of network !

Huntg ting Wu (Rotterdam, 2019-05-11)


For Taiwan 24 million people's benefit

Wendy Chen (Taipei, 2019-05-11)


I am Taiwanese

煒凱 洪 (Utrecht, 2019-05-11)


I am signing because I have lived in Taiwan for 13 years, and have been cared for by Taiwan's medical system very well on multiple occasions.

Orrin Hoopman (Hualien, 2019-05-11)


Please support Taiwanese sovereignty, it is a model nation of democracy and happy people, and especially as a Dutch citizen with a hand in the colonial past - after all Taiwan had a native population up until we came along - I feel it is my responsibility to speak up about this, and help my country do the same.

Brian Boelen (Amsterdam, 2019-05-11)


I'm signing up bacause Taiwan is in my heart. Also my little brother and his wife and her family live in Taiwan.

Dieuwertje Zwaan (Leiden, 2019-05-11)


Taiwan should join the WHO

Yating Yu (Venice , 2019-05-11)



祈 藍 (基隆, 2019-05-11)


I love Taiwan, my hometown

Irmy Wu (Veldhoven , 2019-05-11)


We are part of the world as well,nobody should be excluded because of political issues

Jayne Chou (Taiwan , 2019-05-12)


Taiwan can make a positive change to the world.

Wei-Hsuan Su (Rotterdam, 2019-05-12)