#NoMoreExclusion #TaiwanCanHelp #HealthForAll #不要再將台灣排除在世界衛生組織(WHO)之外  



Health for all, Taiwan can help.

(Delft, 2019-05-17)


I’m Taiwanese. Fight for global health and human rights, Taiwan can help! Let us join WHO

(Amstelveen , 2019-05-17)



(Kaohsiung, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan is a very important part of world health

(Eindhoven, 2019-05-17)


It is purely political and ignore the needs of millions Taiwanese to stop Taiwan from joining WHO. Please don’t be a culprit with a country that has bad human rights records and stand against a country like Taiwan who shares similar values on freedom, democracy and public health with the Eu.

(Utrecht , 2019-05-17)



(Kaohsiung, 2019-05-17)


I'm from Taiwan, Taiwan can contribute more.

(Rotterdam, 2019-05-17)


we need medical care and first aid as worldwide does

(chiayi, 2019-05-17)


PETITIE: Stop de uitsluiting van Taiwan bij de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO)

Met deze petitie willen wij de uitsluiting van Taiwan bij de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) aan de kaak stellen. De WHO handelt in strijd met de principes die aan haar oprichting ten grondslag liggen en brengt de gezondheid van miljoenen mensen in de wereld in gevaar. Aan de uitsluiting moet een halt worden toegeroepen door de landen die de WHO vormen. Nederland hoort daarbij.


· dat de WHO is opgericht om de hoogst haalbare standaard in de gezondheid te bereiken

· dat de WHO gezondheid beschouwt als een fundamenteel recht

· dat de WHO dit fundamenteel recht toekent zonder onderscheid naar ras, religie, politieke overtuiging, economische of sociale omstandigheden

· dat Taiwan in opeenvolgende jaren geen uitnodiging voor de Algemene Vergadering WHA van de WHO heeft ontvangen

· dat hierdoor een bevolking van 23,5 miljoen op Taiwan wordt uitgesloten

· dat door deze uitsluiting de volksgezondheid op Taiwan gevaar loopt

· dat besmettelijke ziekten niet halt houden bij de grens

· dat hierdoor niet alleen de Taiwanese bevolking maar ook andere volkeren risico lopen door de toegenomen globalisering en het groeiend onderlinge personenverkeer tussen landen

· dat de uitsluiting van Taiwan geschiedt om politieke reden

· dat politisering van de gezondheid ongewenst is

· dat kan worden vastgesteld dat de WHO de beginselen in haar Handvest schendt

· dat deze schending niet langer mag worden getolereerd

Verzoeken: De Tweede Kamer om de verantwoordelijke minister(s) hierover te informeren en vervolgens aan de betreffende minister(s) te vragen om bij de WHO aan te dringen om zich te houden aan het eigen Handvest, te stoppen met verdere politisering van de gezondheid, en zich uit te spreken voor de toelating van Taiwan tot de WHA.

(Leeuwarden, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan can help.

(Veldhoven, 2019-05-17)


We willen geen discriminatie maar de humaniteit en welzijn voor iedereen !

(Amstelveen, 2019-05-17)


I,m signing because of Taiwan should able belong to member of WHO/WHA.

(Houten, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan is my home.

(Taichung , 2019-05-17)


Quotes from WHO's Constitution: "The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition."

It's clearly against WHO's Constitution that the health of 23.5 millions of people in Taiwan are not taken into account for whatever reason.

And it'll be really a shame for a non-political world organization like WHO to violate its Constitution by not inviting Taiwan because of political reason.

(Amstelveen, 2019-05-17)


Because no country should be excluded from WTO. Especially in times with rapid globalization.

(Delft, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan is a country. Everyone has the right of health.

(Kaohsuing, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan on her own has become the world top countries providing excellent medication and medical treatments. Whenever there is a need from any corner of the world, she reaches out her help to those who needs. Now she deserves to be treated fairly. She deserves to be one of the member from WHO.

(Hoofddorp, 2019-05-17)


Please WHA

(Taoyuan , 2019-05-17)


We are willing to contribute to the world health and we actually have the ability to help!!

(Rotterdam, 2019-05-17)


I’m Taiwanese but not from a apart of China.

(Taipei, 2019-05-17)


I’m signing this because people in Taiwan have their human right .

(Almere, 2019-05-17)


For health of all people

(Taipei, 2019-05-17)


I love Taiwan!

(Taipei, 2019-05-17)


Tsung Wen,Tsai

(Taipei, 2019-05-17)


l like everyone in the world.
Everyone need everyone's help.
Because we are the world.

(New Taipei City, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan has high quality of medical. Health is an issue that people all over the world should concerned. No one should be out of the WHO.

(Taichung, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan is a country please let the world know

(Kaohsiu , 2019-05-17)


Health topic should have equal rights to everyone in the world regardless which country the person from or political view. We need everyone in the world to support Taiwan to be included in health organization. Health for all.

(Berkel Enschot , 2019-05-17)


Just because Taiwan deserves better

(Nieuw-Vennep, 2019-05-17)


Get a better health environment

(Taipei , 2019-05-17)


I love Taiwan

(Bay Point, 2019-05-17)


Het is belangheid voor mensen rechten en eerlijkheid voor bevolkingen van Taiwan.

(Maarssen , 2019-05-17)


Mother is taiwanese and i would like to help taiwan

(Amstelveen, 2019-05-17)


Health for all!!!

(New Taipei City, 2019-05-17)


Health is a basic human right. China exerting its power to limit access to health of 23 million people in Taiwan is not acceptable.

(Barcelona, 2019-05-17)


It is unfair that the 23 million poeple of Taiwan are denied the right that the rest of the world enjoys. Taiwan has the strength and determination to make concrete contributions to the WHO. Please support Taiwan to participate as an observer in the 72nd World Health Assembly.

(Groningen, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan can help!

(Steensel, 2019-05-17)


Taiwan should not be out of WHO.

(Lieshout, 2019-05-17)


I am signing because we are human beings and have the right to participate and contribute to the world health topic. In today's highly international mobility world, we all human beings need to fight side by side against all super virus, we cannot afford any gap in the front line. Thus Taiwan must join WHO and WHO must welcome Taiwan as one of the strong allies. Taiwan can help.

(Den Haag, 2019-05-17)


Health is basic human right for all and Taiwanese. There is no reason to exclude Taiwanese from WHO. Support Taiwan; support all.

(Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht , 2019-05-17)


Taiwan has the ability to help the world. I'm proud of being a Taiwanese.

(Hualien, 2019-05-17)


I am a Taiwanese

(Best, 2019-05-17)



(Brunssum, 2019-05-17)


I support Taiwan Independence

(Taipei, 2019-05-17)


I am from Taiwan

(Miaoli, 2019-05-17)


Protect Human Rights

(Taipei , 2019-05-17)