

i agree

Harshil Pandey (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Health issues

DaKsh ArYan (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


i agree

Aadithyan R (Indirapuram, 2020-05-22)


Schedule has been very hectic..need a break

Kushagra Joshi (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Facing prblm due to online classes and not getting any time for self study and self care

Gauri Goyal (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Due to online classes we all students are facing many problems like.. Eye pain... Back pain.... And many more... And we need much time for revision...

Rahul Bisht (Indirapuram ghaziabad , 2020-05-22)


At some point , isn't it , like enough is enough?!

Kartik Agarwal (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


we need enough time for self study and for preparing boards' projects but we aren't because of daily schedule of schooling as well as coachings.

Priyanshi Kaira (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


I completely support it.

Nimisha Tripathi (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


There are a number of reasons for this request which are mentioned below-:

1. Strain and weakening of the eyes causing headaches-as it is very difficult to see the screen 4hrs straight away.
2. Packed schedule due to coaching and assignments.
3.There is less time for the student for self studies.
4.Everybody needs a break in this pandemic situation ,so it would be great if everyone including the teachers gets a 2 week break as everyone is working too hard during this time.
5.There would be no loss of the students as the syllabus is already completed by the teachers in almost all subjects of the first term.

So i would request the school authorities to provide a 2 week break during this pandemic situation where there is a lot of work load on teachers also.

sidharth seth (ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)



Kartik Chaudhary (East Delhi, 2020-05-22)


Strain on eyes
Need vacation
Packed with coachings also. No time for self study

Cheruvu Vishnu Priya (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Continuing the online classes in june would mean no time for self study and no time for project completion. At the same time affecting the students health.

Ishita Gupta (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


We don't get time for self study.

Vivek Kumar (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Kids need a break from school as they have been receiving continuous assignments and work. Which is leading them to use phone or laptop all day long .

Ishita Pandey (Vaishali, 2020-05-22)


As a parent, I support the same

Ajita Tripathi (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


We students do need a break.

Himanshi Chilkoti (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Having screentime for more than 5 hours a day for virtual classes has drained us not only physically but also mentally. Kindly consider us giving a break from the school and assignments.

Anshika Taru (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


No time for self study

Anshya Shrivastava (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Constitution of India 1949, Article 19(1) (a)
"All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression"

Adhiraj Singh (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


It is a basic courtesy of an institute to see the sufferings of the students as we all need a break and 2 weeks won't damage the academic in any way.

Madhav Goel (Indirapuram, 2020-05-22)


We don't get any time for self studies as well as it also effecting our eyes

Aditi Rana (Indirapuram, 2020-05-22)


I'm Signing this because ...I am tried with the online classes...and also I need time for self study too.

shweta bisht (ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Signing this petition for asking vacations after exams.

Chenya Gupta (Ghaziabad , 2020-05-22)


It's too strenuous for my child to sit in front of computers and laptops. School has already paced up syllabus so much that its hard to cope up with it. During vacations atleast students will go through the syllabus again and clear their concepts..

Neelam Chugh (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-22)


Need a vacation for atleast 2weeks

Grisha Bhardwaj (Indirapuram, 2020-05-22)


No time for self study.

Subika Singh (Gzb, 2020-05-23)


Because I'm in a dire need of a break from school

Divya Bharti (Ghaziabad, 2020-05-23)

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