Petition of Support for Wausau School District Administration to Fully Open School



Our 5 children need to be in school. They miss their friends and their mental health needs them to be in school. Thank you for all your hard work!

Sarah Staszak-Knetter (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I feel it is important to get kids back in school. I feel there is more harm keeping them away.

Elizabeth kujath (Wausau , 2020-07-22)


In person class is important for hands on learning in the related field my son will go into after high school.

Tamara Winter (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I’m signing this because I feel it is what’s best for my sons education.

Kevin Heckert (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


It us critical for the kids mental well-being to go back to scho.

Lori Juedes (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


The numbers for COVID don not support keeping the schools shut down. Or the country shut down.

Raymond Yeager (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


Children deserve to be in school learning the traditional way with friends and teachers face to face. Without masks. With them at such low risk it is worth sending them back 100%.

Heidi Guenther (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I’m signing because the cons of not fully reopening schools COMPLETELY outweigh the pros of not fully reopening. For all the kids who have IEPs, live in abusive homes, lack support, don’t have the means to school from home - they suffer. For the kids that thrive in social settings, need physical activity through gym class and recess, that need that pat on the back from their teacher - they suffer. Give parents the option to keep their kids home, but don’t take away the option to fully reopen for the majority of people who are for it.

Devon Hardel (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I really think these kids need to be in the classroom

Patrick Thompson (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I believe it is in the best interest if students to go to school full time. We have upended our children's world with fear and anxiety and I believe they need some normalcy and routine.

Kathy Mathie (wausau, 2020-07-22)


I want to have school and I want to have a football season. Students are not at risk.

Ean Marciniak (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


Infinate reasons. Mental health, academic health, open the schools.

Ben Trueblood (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I want to go back to school

Colton Geurink (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I fully support our kids going back to school. They need face-to-face instruction.

Lisa Baumann (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I believe the benefits of in person schooling outweigh the risks for my children.

Cybil Siikarla (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I believe we need to have school face to face 5 days a week. For educational and emotional reasons this must happen.

Lisa Moses (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


Online school sucks

Brandon Nilles (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I’m signing because I feel it’s important that our children get back to school. Children are low risk of Covid due to their lack of ACE 2 receptors, the mechanism in which the virus uses to enter the body.

Edmund Markey (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


My kids need and want to go back to school. They need face to face learning.

Gina Zerneke (Wausau , 2020-07-22)


My son is a special ed student in middle school. He lost 95% of his instruction when they switched to virtual. He needs to be in school. Thank you.

Amy Bahr (Merrill, 2020-07-22)


My granddaughters want to return.

Michelle Hoppe (Aniwa, 2020-07-22)


I’m fully supporting re-opening

Jeff Meyer (Marathon , 2020-07-22)


I want my kids in school. I feel safe about that decision.

Kimberly Mikul (Wausau , 2020-07-22)


I believe it is important to children’s learning and having a structured environment. It is also important for a child’s social development. It’s not fair to children when they are at very low risk of contracting Covid. If teachers or other staff and possibly some students are fearful they can wear a mask. Of course precautions should be taken as far as hand washing/sanitizing.

Linda Michalski (Wausau , 2020-07-22)


I'm signing because I care about the education of our future leaders.

Timothy Baumann (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


I have a son in the district and I have seen and heard from him and his friends about the past several months. It is unhealthy and unsustainable to be remote and without in person. Instruction.

Rimon Moses (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


Our children need solid instruction and guidance.

Denise Viviano (Wausau, 2020-07-22)


My grandchildren need to be in school

Cindy Punke (Athens, 2020-07-23)


Schools are essential.

Taylor Moses (Wausau, 2020-07-23)


I'm signing because I am in full support of opening schools 5 days a week in the Wausau School District as normal in the fall.

Dan O'Leary (Wausau, 2020-07-23)


My Grandchildren and all the Students need too get back to some form of Nornal.
And it needs to start with their Schooling,Sports.
My Grandson got robbed of his Senior Year. They worked 11 years to get to be Senior and experience that achievement. He also worked 11 years in Sports. Thats is lost.
My Granddaughter lost her Junior year experience's.
Junior Prom,Sports Teammates, Coaches,Teachers,Classmates
Please let them go back.
Make be Safe..A new Normal.
Facemasks,Social Distancing,
Wiping Down area's and item's
We are all in together in this. We all Fear the same.
I do Praise you all . For all you do for our Children.
Bless you for the Future. 🙏

Barbara Samolinski (Wausau , 2020-07-23)


School should be 5 days per week every week face to face.

This is the very best thing for all children and families.

Heidi Guenther (Wausau, 2020-07-23)


My kids need to get a education

Chad Czeck (Wausau, 2020-07-24)


My property taxes are going toward the education system in Wausau. If the kids don’t go back to school will I get a big refund on my property taxes. Let the kids go back to school!

Rosalyn Cunningham (Wausau, 2020-07-24)


The kids need to be in school and virtual learning has not proven to be a good education.

Paul Bjerke (Wausau , 2020-07-24)


As a former teacher, I know the importance of students being in the classroom under the instruction of qualified teachers as well as the importance of social interaction

Thomas Steele (Wausau, 2020-07-24)


Education is best when done in person in a classroom with qualified teachers leading the process.

Karen Steele (Wausau, 2020-07-24)


My grandson needs to have interaction with peers and teachers

Julie Oliva (Wausau, 2020-07-24)


I have kids in the school district, and I think it is vital they get back to in person learning with no masks. Please use science and reason to make logical decisions, and resist basing them off of emotions (especially fear).

Jacob Hoover (Wausau , 2020-07-26)


CDC says kids should go back to school in person full time
And it affects my family. I saw the negative impact virtual learning was on my nieces and nephews and their single mother working full time.

Jessica Kruit (Wausau, 2020-07-27)


My child needs to go to school. Virtual is not an option nor would it be equal to classroom learning.

April Van rixel (Wausau, 2020-07-29)


children need school.

Jenny Reynolds (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


Evidence supports it!! Many school
districts have come up with creative and intelligent plans to reopen. Why not WSD?

Jeff Bruggink (Oostburg, 2020-07-30)


I want my children to be heard and be in class!!!

Jennifer Schneider (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


Virtual learning is not the same as hands-on learning. You ever try to copy a recipe from Food Network? Our kids deserve better. Our taxes pay for better.

Theodore Ritter (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


My child needs to be in a class room to learn.

Haylie Kauzlaric (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


I’m signing because I’m a ECE teacher that has been working through the entire pandemic, where we have had to provide care for school age children that should be in their classrooms and with their teacher!!!

Jamie LeMay (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


I feel the needs of our children will be better met during in-school learning vs. virtual. The CDC and the American Academy it Pediatrics recommends in-school learning as well.

Jessica Pergolski (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


I'm signing because kids need to have person-to-person interaction to fully take advantage of their education. I also feel like the Wausau School District families did not get a fair option or choice in the matter of reopening schools. The survey results showed that the majority wanted to have face-to-face in person learning so that should be honored. Give us the choice!

Jennifer Ast (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


It is in the best interest of my children.

Amy Scribner (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


Mental health is very important!!!

Ashlee Sirianni (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


I’m signing because I want to have a senior year in school!!! I’m sick of staring at a screen all day and not learning much. Send us back back to school.

Olivia Richetto (Wausau, 2020-07-30)


I have multiple friends with children in the Wausau School District that this decision has caused a lot of hardships for. I believe it was not the correct decision with so many other school districts in the area (mostly all of them) deciding to hold at least some form of in person classes.

Nicole LaFave (Mosinee, 2020-07-30)


I am a firm advocate of in-person schooling, the benefits if which go far beyond academics, including social and emotional health and well-being for our kids.

Amber VanBoxel (Wausau, wi, 2020-07-30)


The social and emotional development of my young children is important. I can educate them at home, but the above needs are largely met at school at this age.

Kimberly Landwehr (Wausau, 2020-07-30)