Requesting for the Shutdown of online classes for a week



I em in remote areaa,pover indernet connecitivity
0nly 500emb data per day. How I attend the online class

Sundhar Kishore (Kgf, 2020-09-29)


Online cls engages us for a long time that it coz irritation in our eyes

Divya Shree (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


Affecting eyes

Leena J (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


It's hectic. I've other competitive exams to focus on. And these online classes aren't really helpful.

Archita Arun (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


I'm signing in because it's the best time to learn and to develope our skills. Without knowledge and skills Scoring marks is useless.

Arunmozhi Varman (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


The classes are becoming stressful and tiring. I believe it is essential to have a break to refresh ourselves and also consider that significant portions have been completed

Shri Vaidya Raghavan (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


I'm signing because, it is mentally exhausting for everyone of us to sit in front of a screen for six hours straight.

Anupama PH (Chennai, 2020-09-29)



Sneha T (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


Poor network connection
Eye strain

T. Nitya (chennai, 2020-09-29)


Eye Strain, Headache.

Irene Michelle (Chennai, 2020-09-29)



p Gokul (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


Poor Network connection
Attending classes on mobile phone

Chebolu Lokesh (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


Eye strain

Mohamed Ashik (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


Im very stressed

Nivedhidha Kunar (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


I need rest

Avinash Jha (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


Because feeling tired and health issues increasing due to classes till eveng 6pm

Sri Sakti charan (Chennai, 2020-09-29)


Unsatisfied of online class it makes students as depressed and frustrated

Sailesh Sivasankar (Pondicherry, 2020-09-29)


I am getting eye pain because of online classes

Justin Mano (Chennai, 2020-09-29)



Dipika Ha (Chennai, 2020-09-29)



Maharishi rishi (Chennai, 2020-09-29)

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