Petition In Support of the Disbarment of Matt Gaetz



Gaetz is a nefarious, lying, traitorous buffoon. Absolutely shameful.

Jb Marinucci (Chicago, 2021-01-12)


It’s the right thing to do

Justin Lacray (Chicago , 2021-01-12)


It's absolutely shameful how he disrespects our Constitution and other members of Congress. He is arrogant and unchristian.

Lorraine Ortega (Fort Walton Beach, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz violated his oath of office to defend The Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic by actively engaging in sedition against the USA.

Robert Beck (Austin, 2021-01-12)


He does not deserve to keep his law license. He is encouraging members of the public, most Republicans, to overthrow the lawfully elected government that is scheduled to be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

Susan Brummett (Santa Rosa, 2021-01-12)


This man is everything that is wrong with lawyers.

Dacia Sykes (Jay, 2021-01-12)


Unacceptable. Only serving himself. Thinks actions don't have consequences for the elite

Jeff Trower (Orlando , 2021-01-12)


I have sworn to uphold the constitution.

Norunn Nygard (Los Angeles, 2021-01-12)


Mr Gaetz has flouted the laws he has sworn to uphold, attacked the constitution he has sworn to defend. He is a liar and a cheat, and an embarrassment to his profession.

Patricia Sisson (Madison, 2021-01-12)


All denying the 2020 election was rigged and unfair are putting America in danger and they know it.

Edward McInerney (San Antonio, 2021-01-12)


He’s no longer fit for office.

Chris Graham (Seffner, 2021-01-12)


I have been absolutely appalled at Gaetz behavior. He does not need to hold any power. He has made a mockery of his office

Derek Thomason (Long Beach Ca, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is a disgrace in comparison to congress professionals that actually serve the people. He’s self-serving and an embarrassment to the country!!!

Tina Powell (Orlando, 2021-01-12)


He is unprofessional and obnoxious.

Orville Douglas (Brampton , 2021-01-12)


He needs to be held accountable! Off with his law degree!

David Hopper (Aloha, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is treasonous. A sedationist. And belittles the name of all attorneys.

Pattie Braga (Ventura, 2021-01-12)


He is a traitor he was part of the attempted coup on our givernment

Ralph Cummins (Grass valley, 2021-01-12)


Without accountability, these crimes against our democracy will continue and worsen. Enough is enough!

Jennifer Cardellino (Bartlett, 2021-01-12)


Because of his constant spreading of lies regard this election, he knowingly contributed to the attempted insurrection at the Capitol an January 6, 2021.

Robert Green (Lexington, 2021-01-12)


he's an *******

penny mcqueen (tiny, 2021-01-12)


I hate insurrection and those who provide aid and support to the enemies of the US. They all must be held accountable to the high crime of sedition.

Richard Valle (Riverside , 2021-01-12)


I want to see Matt Gaetz disbarred!

Brigitte Rosario (NYC, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is a drunken traitorous tool

Tara Dublin (Vancouver, WA, 2021-01-12)


I believe elected officials that do not keep their oath to the US Constitution and deliberately support a corrupt president and not their oath should be disbarred.

Sydney Cromeell (Stuart, 2021-01-12)


I'm signing because Matt Gaetz has no regard whatsoever for our Constitution, our Democratic process or the rule of law in our country.

Sam West (Seattle, 2021-01-12)


This behavior is absolutely despicable and needs to have an example made. This will not be tolerated.

William Aycock (Spring Hill, 2021-01-12)


Those responsible for inciting sedition & victimizing Americans by futile attempts to disenfranchise voters & knowingly aid in spreading of misinformation must be held accountable for the protection of Democracy for generations to come. He publicly pursued self interests and in doing so, has failed to uphold his oaths sworn to protect the Republic and the Constitution. He is unfit to represent any American and has forfeited his right to do so!

Steve Gerey (Gaylord , 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is human garbage with zero integrity or decency.

Stephanie Harper (Hemet, 2021-01-12)


He continuously and knowingly lies to the American people and disrupts the foundation of democracy.

Daniel Gray (Pleasanton, 2021-01-12)


He s a danger to society. He spews false information and refuses to wear a Mask. He is not upholding the Constitution Instead Providing support for a racist bigoted Fascist violent Dictator

Laura Arnone (SAN CLEMENTE, 2021-01-12)


I am tired of the lying and dying.

Donald Liponi (San Diego, 2021-01-12)


He has lost all integrity as a person.

Solomon Teckle (Decatur , 2021-01-12)


Gaetz is complicit of encouraging a crime

Dawn Rydeen Jette (PortCoquitlam, 2021-01-12)


Unfit for office, supporting insurrection and undermining the Constitution of the United States of America.

Catherine Hamlin (Hendersonville , 2021-01-12)


I'm signing because I am tired of watching this man make a mockery of our democracy.

Lisa Pulitzer (Huntington Station, 2021-01-12)


Overturning the will of the people with treasonous, seditious acts while encouraging violence should have consequences. Oaths matter.

Susan Leonard (Spring, 2021-01-12)


He knows the law. He knows he was telling lies. He made statements in private to his own sister as well they knew they were lying about the election but it was a great way to raise more money. This was all for their own power and they knowingly tried to steal and erase other state’s lawful votes. He needs to also be removed from his position as a public servant as well.

Vicki Langner (San Jose , 2021-01-12)


Because he is a traitor

Sara Stewart (Spokane , 2021-01-12)


Because Gaetz does not appear capable of practicing law in a manner that is ethical or moral.

Timothy Hehr (Norman, 2021-01-12)


He is a traitor of the United States

Angela Leblanc (West Carrollton, 2021-01-12)


Taxpayers dont pay the salaries to traitors. Gaetz continued to fuel the flames AFTER THE RIOT & claimed he "heard" the mob was antifa. RESIGN NOW
This is America, land of the free & brave NOT the land of cowards & liars! RESIGN NOW

Roberta Onspaugh (Tippecanoe, 2021-01-12)


I firmly stand behind the belief that Matt Gatez should be disbarred for his actions.

Edward Maag (Salinas, 2021-01-12)


If the Democrats don't hold terrorists accountable they too will lose their base

Justin Holmes (West Lafayette , 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz constant spewing of far right conspiracy theories and support of trump shows he's anti american and only pro-trump and he needs to go, especially after saying the trump supporting insurrectionists were "antifa"

Daniel Cariño Jr. (Chicago, 2021-01-12)


I believe his disregard for rules and the safety of others is putting multitudes of Americans at risk. He is dishonest and has disdain for the oath that he took for this office.

Tamara Sieber (Albany , 2021-01-12)


Sally Beaver

Sally Beaver (Concord, 2021-01-12)


Gaetz is a terrorist

shane rowe (mosta, 2021-01-12)


He used his power, authority and legal licence to twist the truth, lied to the country in a way that ended up with an attempted coup and 5 people dead. He thinks he is above being held responsible the people need to show he’s not and take away his ability to this again.

Jillian Baker (Kent, 2021-01-12)


No one involved a coup to overthrow American democracy or inciting a violent mob to attack the Capitol as part of that coup should be allowed to practice law under the Constitution he betrays. He’s a traitor.

Rebecca Galles (Casper, 2021-01-12)


I am signing Bc Gaetz has willfully passed misinformation on to the public. 1) claiming, repeatedly, that Trump won the 2020 election. Knowingly spreading lies , as an Attorney, is grounds for being disbarred. This false information led to the events of 1/6/21.

Veronica Fitch (Willow Grove , 2021-01-12)


They’re traitors.

Jaclyn Aziz (Burke , 2021-01-12)


I’m signing because many senators and representatives do not represent American values. These congressmen and -women have disrespected the Unity sown in our constitution and have focused their own personal gains ahead of our nation’s. It is disgusting and unacceptable.

Charles Dees (Goldsboro, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz is a traitor and supports the spread lies that has stoked the flames of hate and violence across America, Canada, and the world. As a public servant, I believe he is unfit for service to his country.



Matt Gaetz is a threat to democracy.

Anna Gilley (Johnson City, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz attempted over and over again to subvert a free and fair election and sedition that lead to the attack on the capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021 that resulted in the murder of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick along with the deaths of four Pro-Tя☭mp supporter.

Kenny Campbell (Middltown, 2021-01-12)


As a Veteran I took an oath to defend this nation against enemies foreign and domestic. He is a domestic enemy and should no longer be allowed in Congress or practice law as he is a traitor to this nation.

Mitch Feller (Royal Palm Beach, 2021-01-12)


I am signing because I have watched Matt Gaetz make a mockery out of his position. He should be removed for using his words to cause the insurrection that I saw on my TV at home with horror.

Vera Cheeks (Debary, 2021-01-12)


Even prior to the election Matt Gaetz and other GOP members have continued to institute and undermine America’s election systems. If they had valued concerns they should have upheld their oath and fixed them as they were in control, instead of trash us on the world stage. I believe this was done with malicious intent, which is a violation of my first amendment right to petition the government and my voter rights. After the election, they recklessly and with willful disregard to the American people insisted on lies when the courts did not find their claims credible in a court of law. They then continued this path and used increasingly inflammatory rhetoric knowingly inciting their supporters, their constituents, to anger as they truly believe that our democracy has failed. Let this not be the case.

In the United States, we look up to our leaders, as we elect them. They are our representatives, and they speak for the people. Executives are held accountable in businesses when employees commit illegal acts. Employers are subjected to exceptions of the first amendment. Military officials can not say whatever they like. Bartenders are held to more responsibility for drunk drivers then we are trying to hold those who actively tried to overturn a fair election through illegal means. The President of the United States and our elected officials swore an oath of office and vowed to the American people to uphold the Constitution. They have broken that oath. They have far surpassed their legal avenues and it led to us watching our Capitol be attack, wondering what would happen if they manage to actually kill an elected official like they did with the policeman they dragged out and beat to death on the world stage.

We have weakened America both from within and now we are easy prey for our enemies abroad.

Rest assured, this is not an attack on an entire party, but those who persisted in the destruction of our democracy. Those who persist in their lies and can not make a legal claim for their slander are either knowingly trying to dismantle the people’s freedom and vote or they are mentally unaware of their disillusion and are unfit for public office.

Elizabeth Weis (Nashville, 2021-01-12)


Matt Gaetz's disgraceful actions, and the actions of many of his Republican colleagues, were a cynical provocation in service of overthrowing an election that Mr. Gaetz knows and knew to be honest and free of fraud. As such, he is a criminal and a seditionist, and may not stand as an officer of the court.

Linus Gelber (Brooklyn, 2021-01-12)

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