Petition In Support of the Disbarment of Matt Gaetz



I'm signing because Mr. Gaetz represents me in Congress and he is an embarrassment.

Courtenay Lanier (Crestview, 2020-12-22)


Sedition against the United States. He needs to be sanctioned. Should also be removed from Congress. There’s NO place for this in the US.

Gail Jones (Los Gatos, 2020-12-22)


I'm signing because I believe that Matt Gaetz is unfit to work in Congress and for the people. His statements and actions are not only unprofessional, but un-American. He is as dangerous as his own state's governor, Ron DeSantis. Whether this petition succeeds or Gaetz is spared until his next election, he does not deserve his seat.

Corey McConnaughy (Omaha, NE, 2020-12-22)


Gaetz is an embarrassment to Florida

John Duval (Brandon , 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz is an embarrassment.

Sheri Porubski (Jacksonville, 2020-12-22)


Sedition is treason.

Jacob Osten (Raleigh, 2020-12-22)


He is an embarrassment to Florida and humanity.

Lisa Firm (Clermont, 2020-12-22)


I believe that being part of an effort to overturn a free and fair election is a dangerous, seditious act. It should have consequences

laurie coughlin (Palm Beach Gardens, 2020-12-22)


He has participated in an act of sedition in a bid to disenfranchise American voters by plotting to overthrow a free and fair election.

Toni Smith (Hephzibah, 2020-12-22)


Abuse of the courts.

Lori Aday (Oakley, 2020-12-22)


Willful sedition is illegal.

Jennifer Renfrow (Houston, 2020-12-22)


Because he is the worst for Florida than Hurricane

Mike Moss (Orlando, 2020-12-22)


This man has shown total disregard for the Constitution, for the Rule of Law, for the health & well-being of others. He also regularly spreads disimformation. In no way, shape or form should he still be permitted to claim he is a representative of the Law.

Deborah Woolston (Seattle, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz is an embarrassment to Florida

Thomas McGee (Vero Beach, 2020-12-22)


He has broken rules and code of conduct. There must be consequences

Randy Fama (St Petersburg, 2020-12-22)


A man with such little regard outside himself should never be in charge of their concerns.

Christina Owen (Highland, 2020-12-22)


Disgraceful, irresponsible conduct

Katherine Benton (Orlando , 2020-12-22)


He is an embarrassment and is intentionally putting out false information to help his career on right wing media while directly harming those who listen to him and do not understand he is lying.

Alice Karakas neuman (Lawrence, 2020-12-22)


Gaetz has chosen to side with the disgusting attempt to tear democracy out of the hands of the people into the concentrated power of minority rule. He must be held accountable for his seditious activities and prevented from doing more harm than he already has.

Jenefer Angell (Portland, 2020-12-22)


Matt should be disbarred for sedition.

Tony Laughlin (Paducah , 2020-12-22)


anyone who act like him and is guilty of voter intimidation should be put in prison for life for essentially attacking the nation and then add the disrespect to the millions who have lost there lives to this pandemic, this pos makes me sick and if capitol punishment was possible id be in support of him being put to death for all the dead that he mocked and showed no respect for.

Gary Bushman (Decorah, 2020-12-22)


Ii is TIME to hold Hypocrites and Liars accountable,We all know Justitia is on one Eye blind,let´s help convict the true criminals!

Harald Taps (Lappersdorf, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz is a traitor and threat to the Republic

Thomas Frame (Belmont, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz has violated his oath on several occasions and as a consequence he should be disbarred

Tracey Snyder (Tampa , 2020-12-22)


Gaetz is unethical, has no integrity, and self-serving. I cannot believe this guy is allowed to continue representing Florida with his reckless over-the-top attitude/approach.

Stanley Hardin (Cocoa, 2020-12-22)


I am signing because I believe Matt Gaetz has engaged in dishonorable conduct violates Florida Bar Association Standards and he should be disbarred.

James Kenney (Daytona Beach, 2020-12-22)


I'm signing because Matt Gaetz is a criminal. He should not be allowed any platform to speak his views, ESPECIALLY when he has avoided consequences from the law because his father paid his way out of it.

Eric Reed (Wadsworth , 2020-12-22)


I'm signing because he's too far away for me to throw a milkshake at his s**t-eating face.

Luke Gonzalez (Austin, 2020-12-22)


Matt is a national embarrassment, not doing his job, lying to the nation about covid, the election results. He acts like a child at every chance and doesn’t care about his constituents welfare at all.

Marcia Aiello (Port Saint Lucie , 2020-12-22)


I’m sick of these racist *******s getting away woth the lies

Suzanne Anderson (Mesa, 2020-12-22)


Sarah Baethge (TEMPLE, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz is a traitor and should be in jail.

Tiffany Briggs (Fairport, 2020-12-22)


No one is above the law. Lawyers are meant to uphold the law, not deliberately break it as if they are a law unto themselves--such as Matt Gaetz.

Tiasha Garcia (Sacramento, 2020-12-22)


Mr. Gaetz's latest transgression is one that truly warrants loss of the right to practice law in the State of Florida. In this latest episode, Mr. Gaetz willingly participated in an act of sedition, and an illegal and immoral effort to disenfranchise millions of American voters. I ask that the Bar fully investigate Mr. Gaetz’s actions, whether or not they believe themselves to have authority to discipline him at this time, and that the Bar publish its findings with respect to Mr. Gaetz’s actions and choices. I maintain that no lawyer should act in furtherance of sedition or destruction of the Constitution of the United States. Further - this man is a traitor to the USA and must not represent this country in any capacity which he would as a member of the Unites States BAR

Donna Dillavou (Schaumburg, 2020-12-22)


His transgressions have gone long enough, he cannot be allowed to represent the people when he continually lies for a political party.

Robert Abernathy (Medford , 2020-12-22)


M Gaetz has clearly worked against the interests of Florida & the US. He is doing the work of dictator Putin & wanna be dictator Trump. His lack of leadership has resulted in MANY unnecessary deaths in Florida due to Covid.

John Bulger (Austin, 2020-12-22)


matt gaetz has violated to many code of ethics to be a trusted attornye

James Giammetta (miami, 2020-12-22)


This man is a danger to this country

Noah Millette (Walpole, 2020-12-22)


he's a trouble maker and needs to go

Bruce Pilkington (Palm Coast, 2020-12-22)


I have watched Mr. Gaetz embarrass himself and our entire legal system for too long, dignity and ethics must be restored to the law.

Cynthia Anderson (Berkeley, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz can eat a dick

C S (Urbanville, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz hates democracy, he needs to be removed.

Gary Brandt (Boiling Springs, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz can get*****ed

Charlie Holmes (Seattle, 2020-12-22)


As a lawyer, his behavior is unbecoming of the ABA

Chanel Massie (Pittsburgh, 2020-12-22)


He needed to be disbarred a long time ago.

Victoria Reyes (Orlando, 2020-12-22)


Criminals should not be representing hard working citizens contributing their share for the welfare of the society. Liars and ill-willed must be eliminated from representing law.

NARENDRA SRINIVASAN (Fairfax, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz has proven time and time again he does not care about this country or it’s people.

Teague Rasmussen (Baton Rouge, 2020-12-22)


Gaetz has made a mockery of the law. He has flaunted his illegal and unethical behavior with the bravado of a man who believes the rule of law does not apply to him. He is a public embarrassment to the State of Florida and to the Bar.

Robyn Jackson (Valley Glen, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz is an ego obsessed lunatic that is entirely unfit to be a lawyer.

Michael Shaw (Englewood, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz has continually embarrassed the Bar Association and the state of Florida with his actions.

Dave Tepps (Jupiter, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz has been a Trump sycophant from the beginning, and has shown that he will go to great lengths to undermine the Constitution, and supports Trumps attempt at a coup on America’s Democracy. His behavior is not only unethical, but dangerous.

Michael Swift (Crawfordville, 2020-12-22)


Matt is working against the United States in favor of a foreign country. Russia .

Phyllis Endicott (Ben Lomond, 2020-12-22)


He give lawyers a bad name

Elizabeth Foran (Wethersfield, 2020-12-22)


We have to get the evil sociopaths out of Congress.

Sarah Hart (San Bruno , 2020-12-22)


Politicians need to be held accountable for their actions.

YANG SIN (Salt Lake City, 2020-12-22)


There needs to be accountability in politics. This man has crossed the line numerous times, and all he's gotten is a slap on the hand. Please hold him accountable for his behavior.

Cheryl Watson (TARPON SPRINGS, 2020-12-22)


He doesn't uphold the Constitution of the United States

Roberta Smith (Anderson, 2020-12-22)


This man should no longer be a lawyer, he is an embarrassment to his profession

Theresa Stathatos (Somerville, 2020-12-22)


I am signing because , this Representative, Mark Gaetz, is trying to subvert the Constitution. He wants to have a coup to undo the election. He needs to be stopped.

Robert Reilly (ENGLEWOOD, 2020-12-22)


I was surprised to learn that Gaetz wasn't disbarred for his previous ethics transgressions.

He has demonstrated a deeply engrained lack of respect for law and violated the FL Bar Code of Conduct repeatedly through his career. He has not learned, and its this writer's opinion that he will not learn or change his behavior. From his DUI to his public support of efforts to undermine the 2020 election, it is believed that his continued admission to the FL Bar reflects poorly on the Florida Bar.

If the Code of Conduct isn't enforced after repeated transgressions, what positive effect could the Code of Conduct have?

If this were his first violation, it would be within reason to withhold sanction, despite the seriousness of the offense. The reality of the situation is more serious. Mr. Matthew Gaetz's pattern of violations suggests a continued and increasing disregard for the Code of Conduct.

Many thanks,
Andrew B

Andrew Boyle (Winston Salem, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz has multiple ethics violations, as well as deeply disturbing character flaws. He knowingly intimidated witnesses during Donald J. Trump's impeachment inquiry, and is currently committing seditious acts in his attempts to undermine the 2020 General Election. As a veteran, I cannot, and will not watch silently, as my Oath to the U.S. Constitution is trampled upon by treasonous bureaucrats. My oath has no expiration date.

Leonardo Fierro Fuentealba (Raleigh , 2020-12-22)


Mr Gates has and continues to break laws and signed on with 17 others senators in an act of SEDITION against the American Gov/People.

Teesa Hurt (Hamilton, 2020-12-22)


Rule of law is paramount. That includes enforcing rules against ethical violations and outright betrayal of oaths.

Richard Thill (Modesto, 2020-12-22)


Matt Gaetz is a boil on our Democracy. His signing of the brief was an act of sedition that deserves consequences. He does not deserve to remain in the office he so willfully mocks as he violates all standards of conduct.

Sue Flores (Modesto, 2020-12-22)


I’m signing because I would like to be proud of my elected officials and not embarrassed of them.

Brooke O'Donnell (Rockaway, 2020-12-22)


Because people in power must abide by the same rules of law as everyone else. Laws & ethics being broken, must have consequences. Thank you.

Josh Chavez (Grain Valley, Missouri, 2020-12-22)


Rep. Gaetz has consistently betrayed his oath of office by not only preventing citizens from exercising their franchise but by invalidating lawfully and legally cast ballots for a political party other than his.

Andrew Boda (Deltona, 2020-12-22)


I am signing this because he is a disgrace to the profession and shows the moral turpitude of a of a piece of shit....

Raymond Burke (St Petersburg, 2020-12-22)


Irresponsible people should subject to the consequences of law, not allowed to practice it. He is neither a patriot or a decent human, he is a danger to democracy.

Kevin Shain (Joliet, 2020-12-22)

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