Unmask Our Children - Buckeye Valley Local Schools



Each family should have the right to choose what’s best for their family.

Jamie Fraker (Marengo, 2021-08-19)


Masks are not needed for children, are a detriment to the learning process, and needlessly encumber parents, teachers, and students from focusing on the true learning that needs to be going on during the school day.

Joseph Gaynor (Columbus, 2021-08-19)


My children deserve positive social interaction, they deserve to come to school and actually see the persons face they are speaking to. I have never seen so many happy children/ families like I did at the open house this past week. These are our children and WE as their parents and THEM as individuals should have the right to chose. Please reverse this last minute policy so that we can continue a successful “normal” year. Kids are falling behind in school and are having more psychological and social issues than ever before! What happened to the “no kid left behind” because that is what is happening, the children are unfocused when they are being restricted by masks. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Christina Young (parent of a 1st and 5th grader at BV West)

Christina Young (Radnor, 2021-08-19)


This should be a decision made by the parents and child. There is no supporting evidence that wearing a mask will keep anyone from getting sick.

Tracy Cooper (Sunbury, 2021-08-19)


I’m signing because it is my right as a parent to choose what’s best for my child in regards to their health! Masks are a breeding ground for bacteria and are ineffective. Especially for children! Not to mention the mental health impact. We will not be masking our children.

Madison Corna (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


This decision should be made by the parents only.

April Walker (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


We as parents have a right to make a choice for our child.. Our children need to have the right to make choices for themselves.

Megan Nagle (Powell, 2021-08-19)


Absolutely done withe the mask wearing nonsense. This should be personal choice.

Amie Geyer (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


Should be students and parents choice.

Jeri Nibert (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I want to be who chooses if my children mask or not

Debra Mccann (Prospect , 2021-08-19)


I am signing because it is mine and my children’s right to decide if they wear a mask not the schools

Lindsey Lozier (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


I believe my children should have the right to do what's right for them instead of constantly being imposed on by useless mandates and political agendas.

Kevin Albin (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


This is a choice for parents to make

Neal Koenig (Ostrander , 2021-08-19)


We have freedoms and we have the right to make our own choices for ourselves and our family.

Natalie Stewart (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


Masks don't work, and they are child abuse being done by the school

Erik Leber (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


Decisions regarding our health and our child’s health are not for the government/ the board of education or anyone else to make. The choice is ours.

Amanda Clements (Radnor, 2021-08-19)


I do not want my kids to have to wear a mask!

Brandon Ormeroid (Radnor , 2021-08-19)


This should be the decisions for the actual parents!
I’m sure that somebody will try and justify this decision, however…..
1. If this was an actual pandemic, you wouldn’t have to tell us about it, we would see the bodies in the streets and I wouldn’t dream of letting my children attend any public gatherings.
2. What would be the reason that it is only for K-8th grade? Seriously?

Kim H Ash (Ostrander , 2021-08-19)


These choices are a family decision!

Nathan Blankenship (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I'm signing because this should be left to the parents not the school. The kids need to be able to build an immune system. They should be able to see others speaking, and as a kindergarten parent they need to watch the lips and tongues to learn to say letters and sounds correctly. Kids will be kids but shouldnt be forced to be in a mask.

Cassandra Raeuchle (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


My child hated wearing a mask last year! I am her parent and should get to decide what i think is best for her not people who do not know her. Masks affect these kids more than adults and they need to build their immune systems up. They have spent all summer with eqch other. Sleepovers,camps, play dates, and sports why does it matter if they are in school?

Jonnie Akers (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


I am signing this petition because I believe it is the right of every parent to make the decision to mask their child based on their personal and individual circumstances.

Soraya Guthrie (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


Bc both my kids attend bvw and it is mentally hard for them to wear these again when the risk is not there

Tamara Kanniard (Powell, 2021-08-19)


I do not feel my kids should live in fear because of Covid. I want my kids to know that they have a right to be heard and make choices based on facts and not fear mongering. Until there is solid proof of kids spreading covid, my kid will not wear a mask. You literally have to be sneezed on to catch it. This is all ridiculous to allow a small percentage to dictate what is best.

Carrie Hacker (Radnor, 2021-08-19)


This is goes against individual freedoms. There is no scientific evidence that this works. Off the shelf masks are totally useless. Carbon Dioxide is poisonous and should NOT be recirculating back into the human respiratory system.

Dave Smith (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


We have been doing this for 18+ months. It is a huge distraction and is preventing our children from getting a meaningful education. Covid is not going away. If you’re scared, wear a mask, otherwise move on with your life. This nonsense has to stop.

Ryan Hough (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


This is a parents choice not the schools choice. There are many evidence based articles, videos, studies that support NOT masking for an entire day!

Amee Bertke (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


It’s my job and Liberty as a parent to make decisions for my child, and not the school board, government, or anyone else!

James Bell (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


It is my right as a parent to choose what I do for my children’s health and safety. I will not let their freedom nor my rights be taken.

Michelle Price (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


Let the parents decide for our own children. These children don’t deserve to go through another year being masked up!

Lauren Vining (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


Mask should not be mandated but an option.

Amber Murfield (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I do not feel that the students should be wearing masks. My son has been vaccinated. He has rights. He made the decision to be vaccinated so that he didn't have to wear a mask.

Holly Bucher (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


I am an American and can make free choices for my children

Jason Damron (Ostrander , 2021-08-19)


I have 2 sons in Buckeye Valley Schools, that have been in Buckeye Valley Schools their entire lives, and they both have absolutely loved it till now. My boys, and all other kids should have a right to breath fresh air, and not come home with constant migranes, and feeling horrible from breathing in their own carbon dioxide all day. This is not about keeping anyone safe. This is beyond that, and we all know this. These masks are useless, and enough is enough. As for their mental, physical health and well being it is detrimental that this be absolutely a top priority, and that this matter to be resolved immediately, with complete understanding for all involved. If someone chooses to mask their Child, they have that right. Well the same goes the other way for Parents that choose to unmask their child/children. Only we know what's best for them.

Mindy Pollard (Marengo, 2021-08-19)


My children are not going to wear masks for another year. If the decision is not left up to the parents we are pulling our children out of Buckeye Valley Schools and will homeschool.

Ashley Knox (Radnor, 2021-08-19)



Rebecca Blankenship (Ashley , 2021-08-19)


Kids should not be in masks

Darrell Miller (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


Medical decisions should be made by parents and NOT a school board who have zero expertise in epidemiology or the medical field. Only mandating k-8 makes no sense if you think masks really work. Also they should explore how effective cloth vs surgical masks are. Making hastily decisions about our kids daily lives with very little input from parents is not the way to go. They let 1900 people be crammed in an elementary school for over an hour and NOW they are worried about masks? Get your priorities straight and focus on my child’s education and let me worry about yheir health decisions.

Stephine Rish (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


1. Data has verified that cloth masks provide no protection.

2. We as parents do not need or want tax funded school boards or other government entities to make these decisions. We will make those decisions as parents and as a community, not government zombies.

3. The open houses that happened last week across the schools provided the evidence that the school board needs to know that the community is not interested in their mask party.

Sean Ash (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


This should be the choice of the household

Travis Marchant (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


I want my children to have strong immune systems! I’m signing because it’s a learning challenge, how do you expect my child(ten) to know how to say a word when they can’t see what the teacher is saying? I’m signing because wearing a face mask makes you have anxiety and doesn’t help your breathing!

Ashley Robinson (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I feel it is the parents right to make the decision.

Linda Staley (Marengo, 2021-08-19)


Masking does not stop the spread of germs and viruses with cloth masks or medical masks

Chris Sylvis (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


I want my kids to have the freedom to choose and decide. It’s their body and they shouldn’t be mandated to have to wear a mask if they don’t want too . It’s not good for their health to wear one all the time .

Melissa Ward (Ostrander , 2021-08-19)


As a Registered Nurse I know masks are not beneficial for our children to wear at schools.

Alicia Sena (Ostrander , 2021-08-19)


I'm signing this petition because I feel parents should be able to make the decision on whether there child should have to wear a mask

Michael Bailey (Ashley , 2021-08-19)


Parents should have the right to choose how to best care for their own children’s health - physically and mentally.

Erica Rhodes (Ostrander , 2021-08-19)


Children should NOT be masked. Not healthy. Let the staff wear them children should not. This whole thing is stupid, all your teaching them is not to interact with others and how the people are just faceless monsters.

Jacqueline Young (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I do not feel this is a decision the school board or any other entity should be making for my family.

Michele Ash (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


I want the parents to choose to have their children wear a mask or not wear a mask!

William Wright (Ostrander , 2021-08-19)


I don't want my kids to wear mask. It should be the parents choice not anyone else's!!!!

Amanda Haskett (string:OSTRANDER, 2021-08-19)


It is not your right to mandate these masks on our kids

Chalaco Clark (Sunbury, 2021-08-19)


I believe I as a parent and my child should have the right to choose whether my child wears a mask or not.

Shawna Sibbalds (Radnor, 2021-08-19)


It is our right as parents, and citizens,and the district does not have the authority to mandate masks.

Kyle Tuller (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


We deserve to have the right to make the choice. I don’t care if other parents choose to have their children wear masks but we deserve the right to have our children not too.

Jeanna Wells (Sunbury , 2021-08-19)


Our bodies our choice.

Chenoa Inglish (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


I do not want my children wearing a mask. They are harmful to the children physically, emotionally and mentally. The possible benefits of wearing an N95 mask do not out-weigh the harms that can occur from wearing one. Additionally, few children even wear or have access to an N95 mask. It is hard to understand someone who is wearing a mask and we should not expect our children to learn this way. We as parents have the right to make these decisions for our children.

Amy Margraff (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


*Copy of a text I sent to my son when I told him his younger sisters could decide for themselves if they wanted to wear masks or not to school*

Every district has a different form.
If there was a mandate at the HS then we’d let you decide also.
Covid death in children is extremely rare, only 400-500 in the US this whole time. If kids get it they recover quickly normally. Based off that your dad and I do not agree with forced masks on kids.
Now if kids we’re dying like the older people are from covid that’d be totally different. We’d make you wear masks to keep you safe. But for now the science and data do not back up forcing kids to wear masks. That’s why we’re letting the girls decide to wear one or not and will deal with whatever happens at school.

Alicia Anderson (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I want to choose what is best for the health and well being of my own children. The school board will not dictate how to raise my children. Based on SB22 there is no legality to this "mandate". Masking is not the desire of the majority. Our voices were not heard at the recent BOE meeting because at that time masks were optional and personal family choice, which is what it should be!

Erin Jeffrey (Sunbury, 2021-08-19)


Children/parents deserve to choose whether or not our kids should wear masks.

Eric Crane (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


I have 2 children at BVE and 1 at BVMS, I would like the option to choose if they wear a mask or not. Masks are negatively effecting the education they are receiving and causing stress for my children.

Michael Thiel (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


Science doesn't support masking children to prevent spread of a disease.

James Radebaugh (Sunbury, 2021-08-19)


I am signing bc with all the still unknowns about COVID and ever changing rules, I feel the decision should be between the parent and when necessary the child’s physician. My child is in middle school but has been vaccinated for her own medical reasons - attends classes at the high school as well as middle school. She rides a bus with middle and high schoolers every day. She should be in the scenario of others who have been vaccinated. If she chooses to wear a mask at this point or not, it is her decision. She has done her due diligence to protect herself. We know being vaccinated isn’t a protection/solution as I had been vaccinated and had a bad bout with covid this summer. So the mask nor the vaccine should be mandated as they both have been proven weaknesses for different people. A family should be able to decide what is best for their family (children) based on the ever changing guidelines, and at times contradictory guidelines, around covid.

Leslie BUCKLER (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


It's a parents choice and the child's choice NOT YOUR CHOICE if my child should wear a mask.

Heather Warner (Powell, 2021-08-19)


It is the rights of the parents to make the choice to mask our children, not the school.

Joe Corna (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


I should have control of the choices of my family, not the disconnected school district.

Vincent Jennings (Deleware, 2021-08-19)


Masks don't work and do more harm than good.

Robin Kurtz (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


I feel the parents of BV students should have the choice of masking or not.

Cari Sigrist (Delaware’s , 2021-08-19)


I’m signing because I believe parents should have the right to make this decision.

Sara Clark (Sunbury, 2021-08-19)


It should be the parent’s decision to mask or not to mask their children!

Katti Zarins (Delaware , 2021-08-19)


Parents should have the right to make decisions for their children and decide what is best for them!

Holly Whitaker (Radnor, 2021-08-19)


Show me a study that proves that children are becoming sick due to Covid. This is still America, no mandates. If kids want to wear a mask, wear a mask. But don't force kids to wear a mask.

Dave Suchland (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


The decision of the school board to mandate masks infringes on our god given and constitutional rights as citizens of. These United States to do as we see fit when it comes to raising our kids the way we decide.

Zachary Taylor (Radnor, 2021-08-19)


Mandates are wrong

Bethany Hodges (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


Because we live in America and we should hv a right to CHOOSE!!!

Todd Barnhart (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


It should be our decision. Unmask our children

jordan coy (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I’m singing because it’s apparent you know nothing on this mask matter and you only listen to those that don’t know either. And you listen to the crooked media and government. I’m the parent and my child has a voice. My son was way behind last year cause of the masks. Masks should be optional!!!!! Not inforced.

Greg Thomas (Ashley , 2021-08-19)


My family believes wearing a mask is a personal choice, and no one else's.

John Milligan (Ostrander , 2021-08-19)


The parents should have the right to choose what’s best for their children.

Tanna Mckee (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


Mask mandates are against the law and cannot be enforced.

Paul Margraff (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


Unmask our children at Buckeye Valley

Matt Fisher (Delaware, 2021-08-19)


Because mask and other health decisions should be a personal decision. It should not be allowed to be forced/mandated by anyone else

Jessie Vaughn (Ashley, 2021-08-19)


I have personally witnessed the mental harm and anxiety that these mask have caused our children. The numbers do not support where the risk of the virus, in our young, outway the risk of the mental health. I am totally against the mask mandate. This should be a personal issue for each family and child! NOT a mandate for all. I have worked in the Healthcare field throughout all of this and have seen many things. I am confident in my decision to lift the mandate !

Denise Harrel (Sunbury, 2021-08-19)


You are masking the least vulnerable of the population. Don’t punish our children by making them wear masks. Let their parents make the well being decisions of their children.

Jill Hall (Marysville, 2021-08-19)


Unmask the children

Liz Cooper (Ostrander, 2021-08-19)


My kids deserve better. Thet deserve rights as do us parents. They deserve to feel safe at school without fear mongering. They deserve to build immunity when the percentage is lower in children. They deserve a choice. They deserve to be mentally healthy. Masks hide so many things and they would rather not go to school than wear masks.

Vanessa Lynn (Marengo, 2021-08-19)


Because we don’t live in a police state.

Brianna Blackburn (Crestline, 2021-08-19)


Making children is dangerous! It is useless against covid 19.

Niki Rider (Waldo, 2021-08-19)


We should have the right to choose what is right for our families. Make the masks optional, not mandatory!

Ashley Baker (Sunbury, 2021-08-19)

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