For Kids Sake



I am a mom in a country of freedom and I want my children safe, healthy and able to inherit a free land

Angie Mattson (Lashburn, 2021-09-07)


I have children. Who I know are being negatively affected by mask mandates!

Trina Loy (Marsden , 2021-09-07)


Kids are being harmed and affected mentally emotionally and physically by masks and the school and government don’t seem too realize we are their parents not them and we have their best interests at heart as they obviously do not. Sad

Khrystyna Shortt (Lloydminster , 2021-09-07)


I don’t want my healthy 5 year old in a mask all day.

Kendall Fawcett (1909 52b Avenue, 2021-09-07)


tired of the indoctrination at school levels for our kids and I DO NOT CO PARENT WITH GOVERNMENT!!

Joanne Armitage (Lloydminster, 2021-09-07)


I’m signing this because I am all for your body your choice.

Jessica LaFreniere (Lashburn, 2021-09-07)


I have 2 children and I am scared for their health, mentally physically and emotionally with these masks and rules in school and potentially mandates for vaccines I do not approve of

Daniele Scherger (Lloydminster, 2021-09-07)


Parents need to be in control of what happens to their children, not schools or government

Denise Michel (Lloydminster, 2021-09-07)



Dalton LaFreniere (Lashburn, 2021-09-07)


People, especially kids need to be exposed to different germs/bacteria in order to develop and maintain a healthy immune system. We are gonna end up with a whole generation of weak sickly people if we continue masking and isolating everyone.

Brian Snider (Lloydminster, 2021-09-08)


My rights as a parent and citizen of Canada are being violated.

Leah Banks (Maidstone, 2021-09-08)


I truly believe that the atmosphere in schools is doing more harm than good, parents are losing their authority over their own children and this will never be ok.

Timothy Cooper (Viking AB, 2021-09-08)


Because it's wrong what they.are to our society..

Jonathan Wipf (Rwgina, 2021-09-08)


There is no need for children to be masked

Kristin Atkinson (Langenburg , 2021-09-08)


I’m signing because we the parents should be able to choose for our children or even let our children choose for themselves.

Carol Bolton (Yorkton, 2021-09-08)


The young don't need the mental stress of being segregated from social norms, by wearing a mask

Matthew Wakelin (Lashburn , 2021-09-08)


I'm a concerned parent.

Kirstin Wakelin (Lashburn , 2021-09-08)


Im sick of the government deciding what can and cant happen during covid all the bs masks and pressure into vaccination this needs to stop

Christine Day (Marsden sk, 2021-09-08)


The government has no business in my or my child's personal health care decisions!! Time to stand up and make them eat dirt!!

Marina Tibbetts (Fort St. John, 2021-09-08)


I am one of probably a hundred concerned parents of the new masking mandate released yesterday. Tuesday, August 31st.

I am absolutely outraged that the division waited till two days before school starting to once again strap these cloths to our children’s faces. As a human, we all should have the right to breath! To breath air that is not our dirty exhaled air. I am majorly concerned about my children’s mental and physical health, especially when they were excited to go back and have a normal year and look at their friends smiles instead of a bandage covering their face!

This is absolutely getting out of hand, we endured it last year, we hated it but we endured it and rolled with it, but ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Health professionals are calling this an endemic! Does this mean in order for my kids to go to school I have to spend all this money on facial coverings that I am so against to being with?!

PLEASE, for the love of our children..give them their childhoods back!! We are scaring them, this will be written on their skates forever. Give us the option of freeing them of this mandate and let the concerned parents choose to use the masks if they so choose.

We as parents should NOT have to coparent with the government or school divisions! Let us make the right decisions for our kids!

Thank you for your time!
Ashley Rhinehart
Hillmond, SK.

Ashley Rhinehart (Lloydminster, 2021-09-08)


I’m signing because our kids need to be in perfect health, feeling loved, and enjoying education.

Elaine Chorney-Tucker (Marshall, 2021-09-08)


Children wearing masks is child abuse, it needs to stop. I'm from Edmonton and it has been mandated here by our school boards as well. I'm signing because all of our children need to be protected by parents & family, not government.

Krystal Gordon (Edmonton , 2021-09-08)


Masks cause more harm than good.

Sheena Graham (Sicamous , 2021-09-08)


We have the right to choose what and who touches our bodies. That is to be respected by all people.

Chris Baron (Lloydminster , 2021-09-08)


Children shouldn't be forced to wear masks. It is unhealthy for them.

Henry G (Regina , 2021-09-08)


Masks are bullshit for kids. Part of human interaction is facial expressions and kids are not learning a valuable key in developing socializing

Randall Cote (Battleford , 2021-09-08)


I’m signing because I’m a concerned parent from living sky division and don’t believe the boards are or have done their due diligence.

Randi McCabe (North Battleford , 2021-09-08)


Masks are bullshit

Lori Valliere (Lashburn, 2021-09-09)


Children deserve to be healthy and should not be subject to the many potential damages as a result of being forced to wear a mask.

Robert Campanella (St. Catharines, 2021-09-09)


I’m a concerned parent who is currently home schooling my kids because of this covid bullshit

Jordie Detchon (Lloydminster , 2021-09-09)


I’m a grandma, I believe parents should make important medical decisions about their children, not complete strangers, who know nothing about the children.

Tara Banks (Maidstone , 2021-09-09)


My child should have been in the kindergarten room for Playschool this year. But due to masking being required too many parents expressed concern over the masks and revoked their application for Playschool. We had to find a different option to keep the parents happy and be able to have Playschool this year. Plus I disagree with any business puting forth medical mandates that are not mandated by the health authority. I understand businesses have the right to request certain requirements but anything medical where it was not required prior to covid and no longer mandated by the health authority is not acceptable. Parents either have to use their services or homeschool their children and some people do not have the ability to homeschool due to financial or other factors.

Amie Blundell (paradise hill, 2021-09-09)


My kids are older and are not mask mandated but I have grandkids who are directly affected by this decision. The school and the parents are supposed to be a unit. The School Division has taken the rights and choices away from parents who know their children best. Children are not being affected like our older population. Reconsider your decision please.

Theresa Rodrigue (Meadow Lake, 2021-09-10)


There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to support the masking of children which causes them irreparable harm both physically and mentally.

Joan Schindel (Meadow Lake, 2021-09-10)


Parents and kids should have the choice to mask. COVID is not a risk to kids.
This needs to stop, and we must learn to live with it, and not destroy lives, and punish children!

Dustin Weinkauf (Neilburg , 2021-09-10)


We as a minority now do not give the government access to our children, who are currently being used as a cohesion/ scare tactic . The government officials are using our young and old to encourage those individuals to comply.
In the all of the wars, and stringent occupation rallies that Canada has been involved with, I have supported.
Because it was to give CANADIAN FREEDOM or as close as we can get.
Now our CANADIAN FREEDOM, is very much diminishing...
What has happened to the ongoing wars, did terrorists just stop?
Have they caa ceasefire?
Did the flu,common cold, mrsa, pneumonia , vre, or the influenza ABC just disappear?
No they haven't,,,but we would like to think they have.
No tests absolutely no tests other than Coronavirus are made public.
So no other respiratory disease happens.

Rhonda Barmby (Bredenbury, 2021-09-10)


I want my family to make their own decision on what best for our children . They should no longer be muzzled due to this cold/flu

Sandra Johnson (Sturgis , 2021-09-10)


I am a parent of concern

Sylvia Henheffer (Yorkton, 2021-09-10)


This is Canada, a free country.
We have free will to choose whether to mask OUR children.

Janine Stianson (Yorkton, 2021-09-10)


Putting masks on children is wrong and should not be the choice of the government

Devin Fialkowski (Kitscoty, 2021-09-10)


I strongly believe the masking is more harmful and should be a choice.

Amanda Medvid (Yorkton , 2021-09-10)


I work with kids in a school and they should not have to wear masks.

Shari York (St. Albert, 2021-09-10)


Kids dont need it

Jim Lamb (Neilburg, 2021-09-10)


The school system should not make health decisions for my children !!

Philip Waldorf (Lloydminster , 2021-09-12)


It is so very important to advocate for our children’s health

Donna Alexander (Fort St. John, 2021-09-13)


I am extremely concerned that the school board thinks that they have the right to tell parents how to raise their children and their lack of concern for a child’s welfare. NO !!!!

Cindy Blanchette (Maidstone, 2021-09-14)


I’m signing because this is disgusting. This is not Canada anymore. Mandating soemthing that has no proof it works is disgusting and shameful.

Branden Ross (Paynton, 2021-09-17)


No to kids being forced to wear masks
No to advertisement and public roll out of kids vaccines

Hayden Cook (Patea , 2022-01-30)

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