Reclaiming our voices: IIT-Kanpur students' petition against proposed alterations of hall rules and procedures.



Because these rules will increase yhe assymetry and imbalance of power between the students and the admistration.

Swathi S (Kanpur, 2021-10-22)


Md Saif

Md Saif (Ghazipur, 2021-10-22)


All the rules that are going to be discussed for implying in the near future is very very regressive.

Tanmoy Khan (Kanpur, 2021-10-22)


I feel, like in future, many will regret these policies of applied

Aumkar Jahagirdar (Amravati, 2021-10-22)


I am against new hall regulation policy.

Pragya Agrawal (Satna, 2021-10-22)


IITK administration has started putting the student community in the backseat for every issue that impacts us. It is unethical and against our rights.

Anurag Bajpai (Kanpur, 2021-10-22)


Standing against the regressive thinking and human right violation rule imposing forcefully on students in the name of upgrading 30 years old rule and resulted in going two centuries back.

Anjali Negi (Kanpur , 2021-10-22)


Illogical rules

Divya Gupta (Bihar Sharif, 2021-10-22)


humans are not cattle.

rishikesh m (kanpur, 2021-10-22)


I completely agree with the STUDENT UNION IITK on the issue of authoritarian rules being imposed by IITK administration.



I am fully against the proposal. Where all the world is going towards the future, iitk authority is trying to make this institution a place where they can treat students as animals!

Shovon Chatterjee (Kanpur, 2021-10-22)


Gotta stand up for something

Roshan Jayarajan (Kanpur , 2021-10-22)


I am against the unfathomably regressive policies of IIT KANPUR regarding the entry of opposite sexes into hostels.

Deepayan Banik (Toronto, 2021-10-22)


I find these rules unethical and like imposing military rules in our campus life

Akshay Jain (Niwai, 2021-10-23)


Disgusting and regressive thinking of IITK administration.

Deepak Kumar (Kanpur, 2021-10-23)


I'm signing.

Shobhana Sikhawal (Jaipur, 2021-10-23)


It's important

Anant Srivastava (KANPUR, 2021-10-23)


The rules are fundamentally non democratic and discriminative of the students and workers on campus.

Sephora Jose (Kanpur, 2021-10-23)


IITK administration is imposing derogatory rules on students.

Garima Sodha (Kanpur, 2021-10-23)


When the world's heading towards a more gender equal and gender unbiased society, the reforms seems to be taken in a step backwards way.
Also, being an institute of such imminence the guest accommodation policies and reallocation of degree-extended seems ridiculous and inconsiderate.

Abhishek Baba (Gaya, 2021-10-23)


I m signing because I am fed up with authorities taking decisions for us who don't even face the impact and thus move free without the knowledge what we are facing.

Nitin Shukla (Kanpur, 2021-10-23)


I'm signing this because the rules proposed are extremely regressive in nature and a step back at a time when we should be moving forward. In the tough time of the pandemic when students are already dealing with unprecedented issues of suspended academics and financial uncertainty, these rules, if implemented, will contribute adversely to the mental and social well being of the students. Therefore, I vehemently oppose them!

Rajshri Shukla (Kanpur, 2021-10-23)



Krishn Kumar Choudhary (Darbhanga, 2021-10-23)


I'm a responsible student who wants system to make development only and not step down

Mansha Mushtaq (Srinagar, 2021-10-23)


The regressive policies of the Institute has directly impacted the mental health of a large number of students. The institute is setting a bad example of curbing the freedom and social life of the students.

Saurabh Srivastava (Kanpur, 2021-10-23)


I don't agree with the vision of IITK that is emerging out of the new draft hall rules policy and the lack of minimum wage for workers.

Kaushik Rompikuntla (Warangal, 2021-10-23)

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