Reclaiming our voices: IIT-Kanpur students' petition against proposed alterations of hall rules and procedures.



I think it's correct

Yash Nikhare (Nagpur, 2021-10-23)


Students' (except RA, PE & SBRA) freedom and basic rights are being curbed; nothing with other community members i.e. staffs, faculties- which seems highly questionable.

Saurav Bhattacharjee (Kanpur, 2021-10-23)


I support liberal rights of every students inside the campus and protest against discriminating rules between Faculties, RA and Students.

Arnab Paul (Bangaon, 2021-10-23)


I completely disagree with these new rules

Nitin Vedwal (Jaipur, 2021-10-23)


I am an alumnus and want my juniors to have the same freedom that I enjoyed.

Aman Tiwari (Delhi, 2021-10-23)



Khushal singh Khushal singh (Jhunjhunu, 2021-10-23)



DIVYA M (KANPUR, 2021-10-23)


I'm signing this petition in hope that the current recommendations do not, in any circumstances, come in to being effective. Student autonomy, or whatever that is left of it, should be hold sacred in these dire times.

Nikita Gupta (Kanpur, 2021-10-23)


This bill is ravish

Amit Sharma (Kolkata, 2021-10-23)


I believe IITK values srudent opinions but things seem to be going south.

Charu Gupta (Columbus, 2021-10-23)


Student freedom is the one thing IITK has always been proud of, let's not be regressive

Pratik Rath (Santa Barbara, 2021-10-23)


I do not support regressive changes that put unfair restrictions on students and curb their freedom on unjust basis.

Adarsh Chauhan (Haridwar, 2021-10-23)


I think the policies will damage the development of students

Ayush Asthana (Blacksburg, 2021-10-23)


I am in support of student and democracy. Administration shouldn't demise their rights and should listen to their concern

Harsh wardhan Singh (Bangalore, 2021-10-23)


I am frustrated how in a democratic nation like ours the ruled upons are being neglected and oppressed in such a manner.

Sanjeev Kumar (Gorakhpur, 2021-10-23)


1)PhD students should not receive such treatment after 5 years -- unacceptable
2)People cook, talk loudly and do everything in lab -- why aren't there any reforms to ensure peaceful working environment ?

Shaswata Chowdhury (Kolkata, 2021-10-23)

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