Reopening of The Belrose Club outdoor family and playground area



Thank you all for your previous support....but unfortunately council are STILL having an issue with sound evaluation. Can we all get behind this again as, to me, this seems grossly unfair and out of touch with what the community is asking for.

Stephanie McLafferty (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


My famillies in the community used to enjoy the facilities and would patronise the bowling club more often when it was open.

Glen Maldonado (Frenchs Forest , 2022-12-04)


It’s a great place for locals to meet and catch up.

Nicole Delamont (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


Enjoy having a drink in the sun while the kids play

Amy Van Eersel (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


My kids used this area frequently and there doesn’t seem to be any sensible reason why it has been shut down.

David Chalk (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


Support this 100%

Deb Kasmar (Sydney , 2022-12-04)


My kids love using the playground

Evan Dutton (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


This is a community based club and has achieved a renovation to meet all community needs. The playground has been designed for small children, not teenagers. Where have we gone so wrong to not allow young children and adults to both enjoy a club at the same time.

karon tulloh (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


Yes!! One of our favourite spots, was so much better with the playground and outdoor area open! Such an awesome spot for young families

Olivia Cullen (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


I want the playground open. It’s ridiculous that it is closed especially during the day

Sarah Bacic (Frenchs Forest , 2022-12-04)


Families need this.

James Lister (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


The kids area makes the bowlo great for families.

Bianca Elysee (Sydney, 2022-12-04)


It was important gathering point for my son and his friends. Also the parents.

Tereza Elvy (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


We think this facility is such an incredible thing for the community. We’re so lucky so have options like this - let’s not ruin it for family it

JP Izaaks (Sydney, 2022-12-04)


I’m local and would love to support this with my kids.

Jeanette Baptista (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


It is a family venue and kids enjoy having an outdoor playground option.

Lisa Stenson (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


The clubs out door area was a wonderful social facility for families to meet and enjoy food and drink outdoors, sadly lacking in the area

Simon Coffey (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


I agree with the premise set hlut in the petition.

Ben Smith (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


The club is a vital part of the community and has been for many years.

Linda Clacy (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


This is a great family environment where all are welcome. We dearly miss it

Sheenagh Welling (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


This area is a fantastic family and community addition a place families can meet up relax and enjoy.

Bronwyn Loeb (Belros , 2022-12-04)


I’m signing because this was an option to go for small get together’s with other families… where you could catch up outdoors (which is being encouraged due to Covid recommendations- meet up with family /friends outdoors) and was a nice place for families to go and have some dinner and kids have a play outside.

Jackie Foord (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-04)


My kids love this venue because of the playground. It’s such a shame it has been shut recently given the lovely weather

Ryan Roff (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


It is a great space for families to relax on a sunny afternoon. Kids have fun while you can have a chat with friends. Opening this area will bring more people back to the Bowlo to enjoy the great food and relaxed environment. Please reopen the space for summer. Perhaps even fix up the play area also.

Alana Curran (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


I’m signing this because we are members of the club with 3 young children and loved the playground especially in summer. I also use to organise class catch ups there for Belrose Public school as it was just ideal for children to run around whilst us parents ate and socialised

Marissa Raymond (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


I don’t really understand why it’s closed in the first place! It was a great option outdoors for family and friends to gather and socialise.

Emma Slater (Davidson, 2022-12-04)


Common sense please. An outdoor dining area with safe children’s play area should be permitted in accordance with respectful hours of operation.

Georgia White (Belrose, 2022-12-04)


We are locals and we have enjoyed many many weekends and nights with our kids and part of the reason why we love going was the ability to sit outside and watch the kids have fun with their friends. Bring it back I say!!

Dave Illman (Davidson, 2022-12-05)


I have been going to the Belrose Bowling Club for almost 50 years and it was there long before most of the neighbours.

Ali Iacobbe (BELROSE, 2022-12-05)


This is a family friendly and community venue and a small outdoor area for kids should be part of this.

Kirsten Banks (Davidson, 2022-12-05)


Families should be able to utilise this space.

Carly Chambers (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-05)


We should be allowed to enjoyed outdoor life.

fiona mclerie (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-05)


We all need outdoor spaces to relax and enjoy good company. Children playing is NOT a noise problem

Cathy Priebbenow (Davidson, 2022-12-05)


The club was open well before some of the houses around were built. There’s one lady that complains all the time about everything and starting living beside Club Belrose years and years after it opened.

Sarah Jervis (Belrose, 2022-12-05)


I loved this informal outdoor area. Somewhere families could relax and kids played.

Rob Owen (Davidson , 2022-12-05)


I am a regular visitor to the club and also lived in Belrose previously for 25 years. My children grew up in the community and it is so important that adults have options to entertain their children in a Family Friendly and safe environment such as the club provided. Very disappointed that one voice overruled many thousands.

Bruce Rickard (Killara, 2022-12-05)


Our kids miss it. Amazing venue wasted. Brings so much to the Community

Tim Roarty (Frenchs Forest , 2022-12-05)


I'm signing this petition because it is ridiculous that a single resident can hold a community to ransom based on noise emanating from a long established club patronised by hundreds of people each day. The club was there when this complainant resident voluntarily took up occupancy of their adjacent home and they should expect there to be some noise. Playground aside, there will still be children present at the club and on the bowling greens where barefoot bowls are a daily occurrence. Families should be permitted to enjoy an outdoor environment and not forced behind closed doors because of a single 'crank' neighbour. This is akin to those people who purchased home units overlooking Luna Park and then complained about noise from the facility. It defies common sense. This DA has the overwhelming support of the majority of club members and local residents. It should be approved without further delay.

Philip Hurditch (Belrose, 2022-12-05)


We need this outdoor area , it has been in operation for so many years - at least 30 years … and then taken away from us by one person complaining - please explain how that works … .. the person who is complaining bought the property knowing there would be noise from time to time and then has caused so many issues for the club - they moved in after the club had been operating … why now is it the clubs fault for supplying facilities that all bowling clubs offer ?

Kim pinfold (Belrose, 2022-12-05)


It is unbelievable that this community outdoor gathering area at Club Belrose has been closed down for such an extended time. It had been an extremely popular meeting area for families to enjoy each other’s company while their children played in a controlled area. Many clubs in our council area have similar popular outdoor facilities and are allowed to trade. It has been a very difficult past few years for the club industry & depriving Club Belrose of use of this facility is extremely poor. Come on Council do what 99% of locals know is the right thing - allow the facility to reopen without further delay.

Rody Manning (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-05)


Let the kids play!!

Stephanie Twomey (Sydney, 2022-12-05)


I’m a local, I play bowls at the club and there is a real need for an outdoor area where my family can come and be together in this area other than the local dog park or having to drive to another suburb like Manly to sit outside and enjoy a drink, some food and some family and friends togetherness.

Paul Carpenter (Sydney, 2022-12-05)


I have been a member of Belrose Bowling Club for over 20 years. We sponsor the club in many events with lots of success and I can't even take my grandchildren to have a meal and play in the outdoor area.Give it back to the club. Very disappointed about this pathetic situation.

Dominic Giuffrida (Belrose, 2022-12-05)


I live in the area and the kids should be able to play

Vinny Byrne (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-05)


Another case of the majority being held to ransom by a minority.

Scott Newman (Belrose, 2022-12-05)


I love the outside area. I believe complaint from 1 person. Club has been there long before this person. Get on with it council.

Geoff Godfrey (Sydney, 2022-12-06)


Terrible shame you use to see young families enjoying that area but now no one. They always had the rule you had to come inside by 9pm. I think terrible for the club and for all those who loved sitting out there. Should absoluted be approved

Stephen Young (Belrose, 2022-12-06)


I'm signing this because in a time where we have lived through a global pandemic, losing the option to dine and play outside seems insane. This club has been open and supporting it's community for such a long time. I really feel that this closure is not only an impediment to this club but also to the wider community. Please reopen as soon as possible.

Gillian Reid (Davidson , 2022-12-06)


We love the playground and outdoor area, it’s such an important community feature.

Kate Marden (Sydney , 2022-12-06)


It’s rediculicious that a small play ground for kids has been shut down

Maurice Robinson (Belrose, 2022-12-06)


Re open the outdoor area
Is crazy that we cannot use this area considering what has been happening for fhe last 3 years with COVID.
Is not like it is open beyond 9 PM anyway

Garry Tanner (Frenchs Forsst, 2022-12-06)


As a long time resident we appreciate the need for the outdoor space and children’s play area.

Warwick McInnes (Frenchs Forest, 2022-12-06)


This is a wonderful facility for the local community which allows families to meet and socialise in a safe environment.

Mark Kerr (Sydney, 2022-12-06)


I visit this club for bowls tournaments and I know that the board are aware of their obligations in regards to noise abatement for their neighbours.

Gary McPhee (Parkes, 2022-12-06)


The local community needs a safe and welcoming environment to meet up for family and community events. Please open this venue.

Jenny Hermann (Church Point, 2022-12-07)


That area is a great area for families to enjoy a meal.

Kevin Duff (Terrey Hills, 2022-12-07)


Coming into summer let’s get it open

Robyn Davies (Kingston , 2022-12-07)


I’m signing because we now more than ever need open outdoor spaces to enjoy with family and friends. This space is such an important part of the community and should be available

Nicole Clayton-Ashe (Davidson, 2022-12-07)


My children would love to use the playground in day
In daylight hours.

cindy voltz (frenchs forest, 2022-12-07)


It is a great community area that is unused...

Brett Budd (Belrose, 2022-12-08)


The Club’s outdoor area adds to the Club’s amenities particularly for families with young children during the afternoons. Noise generation at the property boundary of the Club generally does not cause undue disturbance to surrounding neighbours.

Ben Rourke (Belrose, 2022-12-09)


I would like to enjoy with my family again

Kim Grunig (Terrey Hills, 2022-12-09)


Great outdoor area for families and children to enjoy the club in a nice family friendly atmosphere.

Picard Ryan (Sydney, 2022-12-09)


Its a great area for young families and the only place in the Forest area like it.

Kevin Pryor (Terrey Hills, 2022-12-09)


A fantastic facility for all. It is great to have an outdoor dining option within our community. Please reopen as soon as possible.

Jodi Cree (Belrose, 2022-12-09)


I believe this is a wonderful asset for the families in the Belrose Community

Mark Kerr (Sydney, 2022-12-09)


its an outdoor family area. its ridculous that its been closed for so long.

mark craig (Fairlight, 2022-12-11)


I believe the facility should be re-opened for the benefit of many local families who have supported this facility well in the past. The Club has been in its current location for many years and prospective tenants and owners who cannot handle the challenge of living next to a club should live elsewhere.

Noel Martin (Belrose, 2022-12-11)


I go to the club and it is sad cannot play in the playground, particularly on a warm, clear day or night

Jacinta Crimmins (Belrose, 2022-12-11)


I am a member

Werner Betschart (Davidson 2085 nsw, 2022-12-12)


We love the Belrose Bowling club for a family meal but don’t go now because the kids want to play outside. The playground is a fair distance away from any residential houses and should be reopened immediately.

Sharon Rockell (Frenchs Forest, 2023-06-03)


I would like our kids to be given the opportunity to play on the equipment whilst we enjoy the bowls club.

Elliott Routledge (Sydney, 2023-06-03)


The wowsers who complained about young children enjoying themselves should be ashamed. Do the right thing for the sake of the community Northern Beaches Council!

Hugh Twomey (Frenchs Forest, 2023-06-03)

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