No Nerd Emoji!



We need to call out hurtful, 'unconscious bias' when it occurs, so well done Teddy

Stephanie Burden (LONDON, 2024-01-13)


Is Teddy retarded?

Jack Mehoff (Chicago, 2024-01-14)


We want to change the nerd emoji because it makes people feel wrong

Grace Jones (Walsall, 2024-01-14)


Teddy makes a very compelling argument

Grace Cummins (Liverpool, 2024-01-15)


I’m signing because I agree with teddy and we need this emoji to change as I a person who wears glasses I agree this emoji is offensive to me and everyone else who wears glasses we want it to change on the behalf to teddy

TJ Sunderland (Sheffield, 2024-01-16)


I have glasses

Hern Wong (Kuala Lumpur, 2024-01-17)


I agree with Teddy! and the genius emoji is downright agreeable and ignore the haters bro.

John Smith (Arizona , 2024-01-17)


As a 46 year old woman who only just began needing to wear glasses a couple years ago and was pretty shy about wearing them in front of people (although I basically can't see a darn thing within 4 feet of me without them now) I can totally get behind this. I also have an 11 year old son and he also got some glasses to wear when he's playing his handheld video games at least...and he looks so handsome and smart with them on. He wants to be a scientist. But he's absolutely not wanting to ever take them to school because he thinks he'll be made fun of and it breaks my heart.

Jennifer Spence (Calgary, 2024-01-21)


I think the kid is trying his best.

Jackson Doherty (Devonport, 2024-01-22)


I agree with teddy,
I do also fing it offensive even though I don't wear glasses.
But the teeth over the mouth is too much and is offensive to people who suffer from that.

Tom Renwick (Blessington, 2024-01-23)


I think it is bad

Ryan Oconnor (Iowa, 2024-01-27)


We are encouraging people to be kind, and this emoji is not kind to spectacle wearers. I do like Teddy's alternative!

Karen Waring (Southport, 2024-01-29)


I think it's cool about how devoted and that you can make a change.

Ava Smith (Corby, 2024-02-03)


i think it should be changed

Jack Carney (england, 2024-02-04)


Because I feel the same way

Caleb Tyson (Central coast, 2024-02-07)


I agree with teddy this shi kinda offensive to all the nerds

Elis Kants (Luleå , 2024-02-20)


Change the world little man. -Steve :D

Steve Smith (Waterloo, 2024-03-06)


i wanna make micah mad

ella folusewych (kirkland lake, 2024-03-27)