No Nerd Emoji!



I agree with Teddy. I wear glases and have for years. I'm not a nerd or a swot even though I have a masters degree. The teeth on this emoji make it look goofy. I'm not a rabbit, a rat or a nerd. I'm just a normal man.
I agree it should be re-named genius emoji. It would then be complimentary not insulting.

Colin Harding (Shaftesbury, 2023-11-30)


Even in kids media, characters with glasses are often associated with certain characteristics. Examples: Clever Smurf, Norman Priest, Steve Urkel, Milhouse Van Houten to name a few. We teach our kids to have a bias towards people with glasses.

Daniel Matzke (Berlin, 2023-11-30)


I agree, my son is a glasses wearer and nuerodiverse and totally agrees with the reasons for getting this emoji removed/changed.

Jacqueline Lunnon (Reading, 2023-11-30)


I hate this emoji

ZHALGAS ZHUMAGALIYEV (Almaty, 2023-11-30)


I'm signing this because as a person who wears glasses, I also feel the same as this boy.

George Milchev (Moscow, 2023-11-30)


I support what he is trying to do. It is, currently, a horrible emoji.

Judith Brearley (Leeds, 2023-11-30)


because this emoji is offensive for me too

Maxim Semenovykh (Perm, 2023-11-30)


Anyone of Teddy’s age who sees something he believes to be wrong and tries to do something about it in a civilised and democratic way deserves support. And it is an unfortunate image!

Maggie Innes (Cheshire, 2023-11-30)


Согласен с мальчиком

Роман Расулов (Отрадный, 2023-11-30)


Потому что согласен

Димон Кочегаров (Санкт-Петербург, 2023-11-30)


Because it is true.

Kirill Slobodenyuk (Vladivostok, 2023-11-30)


Because I think Teddy is right about this emoji being offensive to people

Ivan Ivashkevich (Minsk, 2023-11-30)


Why not...

Anton C (Vidnoye, 2023-11-30)


I totally agree! Poor eyesight is not stupid

Anna Milkova (Moscow , 2023-11-30)


+1 !!!

Ivan Baranov (Moscow , 2023-11-30)


Полность согласен

Артём Соболевский (Омск, 2023-11-30)


Go go Teddy. You are cool!

Julia M (Moscow, 2023-11-30)


Good luck Teddy!

Андрей Пехтерев (Vorkuta, 2023-11-30)


100%agree with this young boy. Wear glasses by my self for 10 yrs. These teeth piss me off.

George Anenko (Moscow, 2023-11-30)


I fully agree with Teddy. And it’s not only offensive and inaccurate to people who wear glasses. It is hurtful to all those who care about anyone with glasses. Which then is everyone I would think.

Jean Hamman (Reading, 2023-11-30)


He is absolutely right!

Anna Tkacheva (Saint-Peterburg, 2023-11-30)


I'm signing because i care about people who care about this emoji.

Mark Polly (Brooklyn, 2023-11-30)


I agree with this guy, although I don’t wear glasses myself, I have many friends who wear them and insults towards them about glasses are not appropriate!

Viktor Pokidov (Moscow, 2023-11-30)


я тоже ношу очки с ~13 лет, и как будто бы это серьезный вклад в общество в̷͈̇о̷̝̐т̷̼͠ ̷̻́м̸͈̾о̶̯̓й̴͖̄ ̸͓̀с̷̹̒а̵̟̑й̵͖̑т̸̗͋ ̸̑ͅв̷̯̈́д̶̳͒р̵̖̐у̵͉̇г̶̗̑ ̴͈̆к̸̻͝о̸̛̩м̸̘͗у̸̹̉-̵͎͘т̶̞͠о̴̣̒ ̵̱̾н̸̣̈а̷̜̓д̵́͜о̶͍̂ ̸̧͝ ̶h̵t̶t̵p̵s̴:̶/̵/̴p̷e̵e̶p̷o̸.̷r̶u̶

alozo . (Ekb, 2023-11-30)


I signed the petition because it's cute and APPLE is insolent 🤓☹️

Andrei Egorov (V. Novgorod, 2023-11-30)


in Mother Russia we think the same way

Ivan DreamMuch (Москва, 2023-11-30)


That would be a wonderful step to end bullying at schools!

George Antipin (Almaty, 2023-11-30)


I will be shocked and very happy, if this 10 years old kid will be able to influence this small part of our every day life and leave a mark in internet history.
By the way, yes, Russian people have connection with world)
(My English might be some crooked now)

Marik Tuktarov (Pyatigorsk, 2023-11-30)


Teddy is right!

Chris Camilleri (London, 2023-11-30)


He's right.
But he really looks like a nerd😂

Elnur Ramazan (Astana, 2023-11-30)


As a retired teacher I respect a student standing up for his opinions, and have seen the damage done by social media on the self image of children (and adults!)

Alison Sanders-Fleming (Cambridge, 2023-11-30)


The stereotypes the original nerd emoji highlights are outdated. Time for an update.

Peter Bowles (London, 2023-11-30)


I’m wearing glasses 🤓 too, but i not a nerd 🧐

Azat Bayramgeldyev (Moscow , 2023-11-30)


I joined because I think it's not fair, we need to change the sticker

Sergey Baranov (Moscow, 2023-11-30)


I am a glasses wearer, and the mother of a bespectacled daughter, and we need more positive messages about accepting variations in physical appearance.

Alice Wratten (Romsey, 2023-11-30)


It makes sense

Alexey Popitich (Minsk, 2023-11-30)


As a person who wears glasses for the 18 years I am totally in on this idea

Anatoliy Mikhailov (Saint-Petersburg, 2023-11-30)


Ахаха челу делать нечего

Ваня Лосиков (Москва , 2023-11-30)


I’m signing to support glasses wearing people everywhere

Tamara McMahon Paul (Huntington Beach, 2023-11-30)


Because, why not? ******* corps… ; @Johny Silverhand

Михаил Зубенко (Chita , 2023-11-30)


Я согласен с Тедди ! Смайлик надо поменять !

Андрей Гарцев (Владимир, 2023-11-30)


Let's do it now.

Gennadii Bardin (Moscow, 2023-11-30)


I agree

Иван Марченков (Владимир, 2023-11-30)


I’m singing because I think this smile is not good for people in glasses)

egor syvorotkin (Voronezh, 2023-11-30)


As a glasses wearer, I don't mind the term 'nerd' as it's now become more cool, but I agree that the face should be smiley without the buck teeth.

Emily Lewis (Cardiff, 2023-11-30)


There was a stigma around wearing glasses when I grew up and I believe that we can continue to make positive change through actions such as this.

Matt Boudreau (Halifax, 2023-11-30)


It belittles people who need to wear glasses. The teeth make glass wearers as some sort of joke. Well done to lad who started this campaign. Please listen Apple.

Valerie Clayton (Swindon, 2023-11-30)


Я подписываю эту петицию,потому что согласен с позицией автора и хочу чтобы его услышали

Тимур Чурилин (Геленджик , 2023-11-30)


I agree with teddy

M B (Ghent, 2023-11-30)


I’m from Texas and just heard about this on the radio, congrats Teddy, you’re famous! You and your schoolmates are going to do amazing things, and you have my full support! I hope we can get this emoji changed! Long live the Genius Emoji!!!

Lee Joslin (Lago Vista, 2023-11-30)


I believe Teddy has a strong point and the majority of people would agree

Nick Liddle (Maidenhead, 2023-11-30)


I totally agree with this cool guy.

Mikhail Skorobogatko (Irkutsk, 2023-11-30)


I don’t think the term nerd should be a thing and I agree that this emoji should change

Emma Martin (Waterloo, 2023-11-30)


I was touched and moved by Mr. Cottle's heartfelt appeal.

Michael Gallaspy (San Diego, 2023-11-30)


Согласен, этот эмодзи не подходит

Даниил Новиков (Великий Новгород, 2023-11-30)


I’m signing because I agree that depicting a “nerd” as someone with glasses and Buck teeth is rude and offensive and perpetuates bullying.

Nicole Gralski (Carlisle, 2023-11-30)


My son Charlie wears glasses and is the coolest guy I know

Becca Atkinson (Ottawa, 2023-11-30)


I completely agree with Teddy.

Gadzhi Nasukhov (Makhachkala, 2023-11-30)


Because if we fight for the rights of everyone, everywhere, then the petition of the child who spoke out in defense of everyone who wears glasses is worthy of signature.

Ivan Alvarez (Konyaaltı, 2023-11-30)


I'm signing because this emoji is very bad and I have glasses

George Pitkovskii (Cherepovets, 2023-11-30)


I think this is a great idea, especially the removal of the buck teeth

Karina Milnes (Christchurch , 2023-11-30)


He’s right

Chris Brand (Florida, 2023-11-30)


Absolutely agree!

Angela Wacker (Burlington, 2023-11-30)


We couldn't agree with Teddy more. Many people who wear glasses are visually impaired - and to make fun of someone's disability is something everyone should agree is wrong.

Olivia Cantwelll (Portland, 2023-11-30)


I agree with Teddy 👍

Nikita Kulakov (Moscow, 2023-11-30)


mein kleiner sohn auch brillenträger ist und seine brille sollte nicht als hasezähniger nerd gehänselt werden

Katharina Stolte (Oberhausen, 2023-11-30)


I think that Teddy Cottle makes a very good point.

Hilary May (Wokingham, 2023-11-30)


My Grandson wears glasses and he is also upset by people calling him a nerd, because of this emoji.

Julie McMurrough (Bradford, 2023-11-30)


I love the fact this little man is standing up for something he believes in and feels strongly about!!

T Gray (Whitby, 2023-11-30)


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Anonymus nullError (NULL, 2023-11-30)