No Nerd Emoji!



Ich war als Kind auch Opfer von Mobbing wegen meiner Brille. Als Kind ist man als Brillenträger deshalb oft Opfer. Ein Lächeln würde mir bei dem Emoji auch besser gefallen als die vorstehenden Zähne.

Markus Schwab (Offenbach am Main, 2023-12-01)


Go teddy! Always stand up for what you believe in

Hope N (Gold Coast, 2023-12-01)


An emoji should be cheerful, positive and unsuitable for teasing other people. Good approach by Teddy to criticize and point this out to a company like Apple. Good luck!

Jürgen Will (26127, 2023-12-01)


That kid is right. And very brave.

Torsten Swat (Werne, 2023-12-01)


The Boy to be right

Roswitha Roßmann (Erfurt , 2023-12-01)


Your smiley is better and cooler!

Nathalie Adriaansen (Koewacht, 2023-12-01)


I hate this emoji

Tim Tur (Moscow, 2023-12-01)


I agree with the young boy

Rod Barrie (Peterborough, 2023-12-01)


I'm signing because I totally agree with Teddy! It's offensive to people who wear glasses.

Ineke Robbe (Lievegem, 2023-12-01)


Glases are cool

Hermann Beym (Eschweiler, 2023-12-01)


I have glasses too and I think same as Teddy!!!

Benjamin Lindner (Essen, 2023-12-01)


Teddy, ich hoffe Apple reagiert auf deinen berechtigten Einwand!

Simone Bast (Frankfurt, 2023-12-01)


I saw a tweet about this and almost every single comment was bullying this kid. Making fun of him. Calling him names. And almost every one of those people leaving those comments are adults. And that is exactly why he wants it changed, and that's why I think it should be changed too.

Phoebe Donmoyer (Pottstown, 2023-12-01)


Nerd is a slur, genius is not. The original nerd emoji is ableist and should get its teeth removed.

Norman Kämper-Leymann (Berlin, 2023-12-01)


Great idea! Totally agree 👍🏻

Maria Demidova (Brussels , 2023-12-01)


I fully agree with Teddy. Not that there should be anything wrong with being a "nerd", the word unfortunately has negative connotations. Genius is a much better label! Good work my guy, hope you are successful!

Chris Hoole (Leeds, 2023-12-01)


He's absolutely right!!!

Betti Salvati (NIederkassel, 2023-12-01)


I want to support Teddie.

Barbara Berry (MANSFIELD WOODHOUSE, 2023-12-01)


I am not a nerd

Gerhard Kossenjans (Papenburg, 2023-12-01)


I'm a nerd too and nerds help design all new innovations Ithe UKn

Rachelle Shepherd-Dubey (Wokingham, 2023-12-01)


Being called a nerd makes me upset, I’d prefer to be called a genius like Teddy.

Martin Drummond (Kilbarchan, 2023-12-01)


Ich unterschreibe, weil ich selber Brillenträgerin bin und ich es sehr gerne unterstütze was dieser Junge auf die Beine stellt

Jessica Bänsch (Schnaittach, 2023-12-01)


I agree with him and I would like to support this.

Kai Spielmann (Luckenwalde, 2023-12-01)


Ich bin selbst Brillenträger und sehr froh, dass jemand dieses diskriminierende Emoji verändern möchte! Eine sehr gute Idee!

Peter Luckas (St. Ingbert, 2023-12-01)


Teddy is right

Renata Henderson (Saint-Petersburg , 2023-12-01)


It's insulting for people who wear glasses

Kurt Van Den Abeele (Deinze, 2023-12-01)


We do not want people to feel included and not to feel that everyone with glasses is called a 'nerd'. My class of 30 children believe this is offensive!

Joanna Foley (London, 2023-12-01)


My son has partially sighted and wears classes. He was born with an eye condition which means he has to wear them.
Well done to this wonderful young man making a difference and standing up for himself and others.

Laura Tizzard (New Milton, 2023-12-01)


Teddy is right, what a great idea to turn this emoji into something positive. Well done Teddy!

Debbie Rain (Derby , 2023-12-01)


I'm alsof wearing glasses, and absolutly not A nerd!

Birte Vrancken (Antwerpen , 2023-12-01)


I've been wearing glasses since my early teens.... I couldn't agree more.... what a stereotype! Big Up Teddy

Johan Livens (Zoutleeuw, 2023-12-01)


I think it is totally insulting to everyone to have a nerd emoji. Whatever it looks like it will offend someone somewhere. I cannot believe in this day and age that there is a nerd emoji.

Elizabeth Thomason (Durham , 2023-12-01)


Пускай эмодзи станет более милым и дружелюбным

Екатерина Шаталова (Москва, 2023-12-01)


Because I also weer glasses and I'm not a nerd. I'm proud to wear glasses. (Sorry if my English isn't correct, I speak Dutch).

Inge Noels (Balen, 2023-12-01)


I have been wearing glasses since I was 7 (I am now 59!) and I agree that people who wear glasses should not be made fun of. Love your new emoji idea!

Lori Bartlett (Wooler, 2023-12-01)


The boy is right.
An emoji must be neutral.
Shouldn't hurt people per se.
It is the user of an emoji who decides what he wants to express.

Yvan Verschuere (Meerhout , 2023-12-01)


The child is right about the teeth

Karin Basel (Hamburg, 2023-12-01)


I wear glasses and I have young relatives, 9 and 7 years old that wear glasses, I agree with Teddy people who wear glasses are cool.

Alison Rylands (Durham, 2023-12-01)


I think it's offensive to portray clever children who wear spectacles in this way and leads to bullying in school

Leslie Rowe (St Helens, 2023-12-01)


I am a teacher and students love new ways to bully others

J Treadgold (West Midlands , 2023-12-01)


I totally agree with Teddy

Karen Webster (southend, 2023-12-01)


You are the Genius Teddy !
Hope you will be heard, thanks!

Laurent Dms (Tournai, 2023-12-01)


Je trouve cela honteux de faire ce genre d’emoticones. Je soutiens totalement cet action. J’en porte aussi depuis cette année et j’aurai pas aimé recevoir ce genre d’emoricones.

De muynck Olivier (Limelette, 2023-12-01)


I agree that emoji like this one is insult for people who wear glasses. I have a son with glasses and he is a cool dude. Just like the guy who made this petition.

Jörgen Vande Velde (Zwevegem, 2023-12-01)


I also wear glasses

Dirk Van Brussel (Lviv, 2023-12-01)


I wear glasses and I %100 agree with you Teddy! I feel angry when people use the nerd emoji on me and it makes me feel like a nerd I like reading but it still makes me feel like a nerd

Love Brooklyn

Brooklyn Adams (silsoe, 2023-12-01)


Totally agree

Joke Vissers (Londerzeel, 2023-12-01)


I agree with the boy

Lev Zhuravlev (Moscow, 2023-12-01)


Because I believe in these boy's strong spirit

Aleksandr Kudrin (Eichstätt, 2023-12-01)


people who wear glasses are cool too.

Marcia Hale (Memphis, 2023-12-01)


Because he’s right

Elizabeth Shaw (Dallas, 2023-12-01)