"An Urgent Case for stricter controls for the use of Fireworks: Protecting Wildlife, Pets, and Communities"



Because I love animals and want to protect them. Every year there are so many lost and terrified and abused dogs and cats that run away from home during all celebrations like Divali and New Year

Tracy-Ann Ralphs (Johannesburg, 2024-01-02)


I am signing as fireworks cause unnecessary harm and pain to Domestic animals, Wildlife and people with special needs, e.g Autistic, frail, etc. It is totally unnecessary to have to use extreme loud noises to celebrate.

Tracy Van Dyk (Kloof, Kzn, 2024-01-02)


I'm sick of the carnage fireworks causes

Kate Mc Cabe (Durban , 2024-01-02)


It's just not acceptable for the poor pets and wildlife...

Natalie Harris (Durban, 2024-01-02)


I'm part of an Animal Rescue NPO and we have to deal with the traumatised and injured animals after every firework display.

MargaretMm Rae (Hillcrest, 2024-01-02)


I fully agree with banning fireworks.

Christine Muff (Durban, 2024-01-02)


Thousands of domestic pets and wildlife suffer trauma and death - not acceptable by any standards, not to mention the the impact on the psyche of the aged, babies and people who suffer from war related PTSD.

Sally Baylis (Durban, 2024-01-02)


Im very sad about all the animal tragedies

Karen Moorhead (Durban, 2024-01-02)


I hate to see how my pets run and hide under my bed when these crackers and fireworks are going off.
And also when children get hurt when un supervised and playing with fireworks.

Tertius Joubert (Durban, 2024-01-02)


Fireworks harm our pets.

Hazel Gace (Durban, 2024-01-02)


The results of the disregard for all domestic and wildlife due to the fireworks is devastating.

Treasure Hermann (Kloof , 2024-01-03)


Fireworks are traumatizing for all animal species and are not a sacred or significant part of any celebration. It is a purely commercial gimmick that causes untold mental and emotional and physical harm.

Navi Pillay (Durban, South Afria, 2024-01-03)


I'm signing because fireworks are an unnecessary danger to animals both domestic and wildlife. Too many animals lose their lives, are lost and displaced .
Those individuals who continue to use fireworks should be jailed and given community service in animal shelters etc

Evelyn Storm (Manors, Pinetown, 2024-01-03)


Fireworks injure domestic and wild animals. Most animals are terrified. Kids get injured.fireworks are a waste of money .

Bernie Stevens (Hillcrest, 2024-01-03)


I'm signing because the harm fireworks does to animals is so cruel & traumatic

Lynda Irwin (Pinetown, 2024-01-03)


I dog acctualy died because of the fireworks. He got so bewildered and gotba hart attack.

Stefan Du Plooy (Pretoria, 2024-01-03)


It is cruelty to our beloved animals

Emmanuel John Philogene (Durbanville , 2024-01-03)


The fear and utter chaos that fireworks causes is just heartbreaking and unnecessary. It should be classified as abusive to animals. Even some people with disabilities have adverse effects to them. They are just no good for anyone or anything. Never mind the pollution.

Kaleigh McKerrell (Durban, 2024-01-03)


I detest that fireworks are hurting our wildlife.

Jenny Sole (Durban, 2024-01-05)


The loss of life is phenomenal and so unnecessary. In rescue, we are picking up injured and dead animals, petrified animals and for what and few moments of human pleasure. These animals do not need to lose their lives to aimless entertainment. The corruption in this country far outweighs the empathy for another living creature.

Kim Tyne (Hillcrest, 2024-01-05)


Fire works should be banned. They bring a lot of tears and heartache, they are dangerous for animals and people. Especially the poor defenseless animals. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!

Marie De Beer (Pretoria west , 2024-01-08)

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