A polite request to Elon Musk - please uncensor @LucyHunterB



Lucy is consistently a measured and informed voice of reason. Her knowledge is badly needed in the current context of evidence-free policy making in Scotland.

Jane McLenachan (GLASGOW, 2024-03-28)


Everyone needs to hear Lucy

Lynne Anderson (Glasgow, 2024-03-28)


Elon Musk is a two faced m, incoherent grifter who seems to hate articulate women who don’t pander to him. That’s discriminatory and needs to stop.

Angela Ursery (Portland , 2024-03-28)


Lucy writes brilliant informed and interesting analysis on X. Why am I having to hunt them down. It’s crazy for a platform that is supposed to champion free speech.

Julie Evans (Manchester , 2024-03-28)


Twitter shouldn’t be silencing important voices.

Donna Cole (Aberdour , 2024-03-28)


Lucy and MBM are a serious outfit - Scotland sorely needs more like them.

James Christie (Edinburgh , 2024-03-28)


I support free speech

Lisa Randall (Edinburgh, 2024-03-28)


This is unfair and undeserved

Susan Maclean (Dollar, 2024-03-28)


Lucy is a rare sane voice on many issues and she should not be silenced.

May Miles Thomas (Glasgow , 2024-03-28)


Lucy is one of my favourite follows on twitter. She is informative and measured in her commentary of the Scottish government and the legislative process in Holywood.

Yvonne McQuaid (Enniskillen , 2024-03-28)


Lucy's voice is ESSENTIAL in all things relating to Scots law. Please release her IMMEDIATELY Elon! (And whilst your at it sort out the rest that keep getting shadowbanned!)

Francesca Aylett (Bath, 2024-03-28)


I value Lucy's contributions on X. They are always well thought out and intelligent and provide valuable input to debate in Scotland and beyond. V BA3

Maria Walker (Glasgow, 2024-03-28)


Free speech is critical to a functioning democratic society

Allison Graham (Stirling , 2024-03-28)


Lucy Hunter Blackburn is an informed and eloquent advocate for her causes - the entire point of having an X account is to hear from people like her.

Peter Daly (London, 2024-03-28)


I'm signing because.... why wouldn't I? Women's voices need to be heard. Lucy's voice is an important one in the political climate we face in Scotland right now.

Helen Milburn (Edinburgh , 2024-03-28)


Women have been silenced for speaking the truth throughout history. Show you are better than that

Sarah Bingham (Northampton , 2024-03-29)


Lucy is a talented policy analyst and critic of authoritarian legislation. Her contributions on ‘X’ are measured and insightful, and never abusive. Please restore her account - we need her in Scotland more than ever.

Jamie Gillies (Brechin, 2024-03-29)


I love Lucy!

Carol Bailey (Stone, 2024-03-29)


Lucy provides a fantastic analysis - Scotland's women need her!

Sarah Pearson (Falkirk, 2024-03-29)


Lucy Hunter Blackburn is one of the most intelligent, interesting and engaging voices on X. I want to see her posts and replies, and cannot understand what on earth might have caused the restrictions on her account.

Alice Bondi (Alston, 2024-03-29)


United Kingdom

Elizabeth Proudfoot (Cambridge, 2024-03-29)


Lucy is essential to my daily news & opinion feed.

Jane Ayres (New Mills, 2024-03-29)


United Kingdom

Margaret Ann Pearson (Airdrie, 2024-03-29)


Lucy is a highly valued and respected voice in the discussion on women's rights in Scotland today. Her knowledge and integrity make her one of the very best commentators on the current debate and is always polite, extremely well informed, and therefore invaluable to all of us who care about such things.

Jacinta Cooke (EDINBURGH, 2024-03-29)


This is a classic example of allowing your site to be exploited by activists, perhaps even activists you employ. Lucy has a greater right to open speech and interactions than all the platform’s abusers, porn-obsessed losers, paedophilia advocates and violent misogynists. I love X but sort it out. Lucy improves your platform. Show some respect.

Cath Leng (London , 2024-03-29)


I believe in free speech

Sarah Graham (Edinburgh, 2024-03-29)


Come on Elon, pop into the X offices and tell your employees to grow up and do their job properly. They might be much better employed putting a stop to all the porn bots, for example, than messing about with Lucy Hunter-Blackburn's account. It would take a sensible person less than five minutes to realise that Lucy posts well researched, coherent and considered content on matters of public policy impotance. Anyone at X who is interfering with her account could learn a thing or two about how to conduct public debate from Lucy.

Alison Torrens (Birmingham , 2024-03-29)


Lucy Hunter Blackburn is an important voice for X and for Free Speech. There can be no good reason for her to be suspended. Please check her timeline out.

Carina Moravec (London, 2024-03-29)


United Kingdom

Rachel Edney (Fareham, 2024-03-29)


United Kingdom

John Moir (Kirkcaldy , 2024-03-29)


United Kingdom

Scott Plenderleith (Penzance, 2024-03-29)


United Kingdom

Heather Finlay (London, 2024-03-29)


I'm signing because it's important to have free thought, free speech and an open debate.
It's important to acknowledge facts: humans can't change sex.
Is important to use words in law that everyone understands: woman and man refer to biological facts.
It's important to defend women's rights, women's safe spaces and the safeguarding of children.

Maria Ouden (Sint-Michielsgestel, 2024-03-29)


Free speech is the bedrock of democracy. It is the first freedom. All other freedoms fall if we lose it.

Simon Knight (Glasgow, 2024-03-29)


Censorship is wrong. Free speech is essential for democracy to function.

Sarra Earl (London, 2024-03-29)


Lucy Hunter-Blackburn’s Twitter account is essential reading for anyone who is interested in Scottish politics. She reads, analyses and disseminates information that often passes the SG by, never mind the electorate. She does this in clear and polite terms. She has never shown any hate or anger towards anyone. If she has been in any sense banned on X, it is for reasons of political censorship, which I believe is very much against the current, publicly-stated position of the company.

Lorraine Nutt (Dundee, 2024-03-29)


Freedom of speech is too important to be applied randomly to thosecdealing with major controversial topics.

Jan Williams (London, 2024-03-29)


I am signing because Lucy is a woman of great intelligence and an important person in the fight for freeing Scotland from the forces of darkness.

Helen Taylor (Dunkeld , 2024-03-29)


Thoughtful and sincere voices are desperately needed on Twitter to stop its further descent into a 4Chan hellhole. Unlike the ads and bots and trolls, respectable posters are a credit to a social media platform, adding value to the site. Elon Musk, please, unghost Lucy Hunter Blackburn.

Annett Kottek (London, 2024-03-29)


Lucy is the epitome of politeness and knowledge, a rare quality on this platform. Her expert knowledge and analysis on issues of policy in Scotland is unrivalled and must be available to everyone unhindered.

Carol Fraser (Aberdeen , 2024-03-29)


Lucy Hunter Blackburn's X feed is an invaluable source of legal and policy information, as well as useful social commentary regarding the Scottish Government and more.

That her account is ghosted contributes to a democratic deficit for this UK citizen.

I'm also signing because I've shared Lucy's experience. My Twitter account was ghosted in 2020, after I tweeted a photo I took of a lesbian in front of trans protestors.

The photo went viral and my then Twitter, now X account has been almost invisible ever since.

Please recognise that gender critical women deserve the same visibility as everybody else and stop hiding Lucy's X account on your platform.

Louise Somerville (Glastonbury , 2024-03-29)


Lucy Hunter Blackburn is an important voice for women and should be heard VIN7

Lucy Powls (Glasgow , 2024-03-29)


Lucy is an important and necessary voice in Scotland today. What she says is always polite, reasoned, intelligent and evidenced. She performs a valuable public service in keeping us informed when government falls below the standards the public has the right to expect from them. Please restore her account to functioning normally.

Magi Gibson (GLASGOW, 2024-03-29)


Freedom of speech is vital for a true democracy.

Janice McGhee (Edinburgh, 2024-03-29)


Lucy is a vital voice in the UK.

Mo Gillespie (Glasgow, 2024-03-29)

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