Speed Control on Peel Green Road, Eccles,Manchester.


Imagine if this happened to your home!! Imagine if you were in the garden or just walking by when this happened!! 

On Sunday 3rd of May 2015 @ 08:30AM this car was driven by a drunk driver, at speed up Peel Green Raod, when the driver lost control, smashing through a concrete re-inforced fence like it was nothing, and into our house.This is the 5th time something like this has happened to our property, but this time it impacted into our house!! We were lucky that no one was hurt or even worse KILLED!! I have contacted the council before about this, and they told me that their speed checks showed the average speed was 32/33 mph. Anyone who lives on this road, or travels on it will know that there are alot of drivers who exceed the speed limit of 30mph on a regular basis. I have spoken to a handful of people who live on this road, and found that it is not only our property that has been damaged by speeding drivers. I have found that this has happened to a few people on this road, and there have been several accidents involving speeding vehicles too. We as a comunity need to get Salford council to take notice of us, so that we can get the protection we deserve, and be able to feel safe in our own properties. We are going to petition Salford council and need as many signatures as possible, and hope that no one has to be KILLLED before something is done!! The only way we will get something done is to be heard together.

PLEASE remember to check your e-mail once you have signed the petition to confirm your signature.

PLEASE leave comments and your name so we can show these to the council too.

ALSO if anyone has any details of any other incidents like this on Peel Green Road, please either post as acomment or if possible pass on a hand written letter to me FAO Salford Council, so i can forward it with the petitions.

Thank you to anyone who has given us support so far, and anyone who gives it in the future.