Speed humps on M26 and R55






Firouz Dockrat 

262 sesmylspruit street 



27 October 2023


Petition Committee 

Councillor Shawn Wilkinson 

City of Tshwane 



Subject: Petition for Installation of Speed Bumps at R55 and M26 Intersection


Dear Councillor Wilkinson 


We, the undersigned residents and concerned citizens, urgently request your attention to address a critical issue at the intersection of R55 and M26 roads.

The theft of the traffic lights and subsequent theft of the Stop signs has led to a dangerous scenario whereby drivers of vehicles are not stopping at the intersection. 

This has been the root cause of accidents with many fatalities.


We are petitioning to have speed humps installed as they can not be stolen.


The current absence of speed-reducing measures has led to a significant danger caused by speeding vehicles failing to stop at this intersection.


The frequent occurrence of accidents at this location has resulted in the tragic loss of lives and poses an ongoing threat to the safety of all road users. The absence of effective traffic calming measures exacerbates the risk, and we believe that installing speed bumps is crucial to mitigating this perilous situation.


We highlight the following points:


High Incidence of Speeding: Numerous reports and observations confirm that vehicles consistently exceed speed limits at the R55 and M26 intersection, leading to hazardous conditions.


Failure to Stop: The lack of appropriate traffic calming measures has resulted in an alarming number of vehicles failing to stop at this intersection, escalating the likelihood of accidents.


Regular Accidents: The intersection has become a hotspot for accidents, causing significant harm to individuals and property. The frequency of these incidents necessitates immediate intervention.


Loss of Life: Tragically, lives have been lost due to accidents at this intersection. We cannot afford to let this continue, and we implore you to take swift action to prevent further loss of life.


We, the undersigned, express our strong support for the installation of speed bumps at the R55 and M26 intersection to enhance safety and protect the well-being of our community. We trust that you will prioritize this matter and take the necessary steps to implement these crucial safety measures promptly.


Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to a positive resolution that will contribute to the safety and well-being of all road users.






Firouz Dockrat sector 1 Erasmia














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