STADIO School of Fashion Petition

Petition Outline


Dear STADIO School of Fashion Administration,


We, the undersigned students of STADIO School of Fashion, would like to express our concerns regarding the quality of education and the student experience at your institution. We believe that the promises made by STADIO as an institution were not realised within the time that we spent as students. As paying students, we have invested a significant amount of time and money into our education, and we believe that we should be provided with the best possible experience.


We stand in agreement with the points raised in the letter submitted by Anja Oerlemans (BA MEDIA graduate). We feel that the following issues were of concern to us:


1. Wi-Fi connectivity issues, which have been ongoing for some time and caused undue stress and frustration among students.

2. Computers not being in working order during exam periods.

3. Communication breakdowns between the administration and students regarding important information such as class schedules, assignment deadlines, and changes to course materials. This led to confusion and missed deadlines by students.

4. The sudden departure of some lecturers, causing a great deal of disruption to the learning process. Students were left without adequate support and replacement lecturers were not always able to provide the same level of instruction as their predecessors.

5. The absence of properly organised social events held at the institution, which left a void in the student community.

6. The absence of proper cafeteria facilities, with limited options and limited staff.

7. The high fees charged by STADIO School of Fashion, which are not reflected in the quality of education.



We believe that these issues are fundamental aspects of the learning experience that need to be taken seriously. We urge the administration to address these issues as soon as possible to ensure that students are receiving the quality of education they are paying for.

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