Stop the Massacre in Syria

Dear Sir, Madame,

The Syrian regime is killing civilan armless people. Just today, the Syria army, fourth force under the leadership of Maher Al Asad, brother of what so called prisedent, deplyed in the city of Daraa, southe of Syria. They cut all the roads to the city and started shooting people with automatic guns, tunks and all kinds of heavy weapons. There was no telephone connection and the people there were completely helpless in front this terrible situation. This is the scenarion adopted by the regime whenever they face free men and women. They killed more than 35,000 in Hama in 1982 and more than 17,000 are still missing. They are doing this again, like father like son.

Where is the world? Where are the human rights organizations? Why is the rest of the world silent about these crimes? Shooting young men with live guns and chasing them with this aggressive attitude. The only crime they do is that they go out to demand freedom and dignity after about 50 years of the monopoly of Al Baath party and intelligence forces. They have no arms and they declare it very loud that the demonstration is peaceful and still receive shooting right in the face. The military and intelligence forces are shooting to kill, so are the orders. Hundreds of free innocent people are killed and the massacre is going on. They want to silence and terrify people to go back under the wings of the terrosits, the regims and its suuporters.

This is completely unacceptable and the situation in Syria is getting worse and worse. Blood and killing and drugging people to jail, torture and humiliation of free men. Please we ask you to do something very urgently, no sanctions will stop this regime. We need direct investgation and interference from the big countries. Al Asaad is another copy of Al Qaddafi so don't you come here. Please protect the civilians. They are women and kids and old men who are being killed and tortured. What are you waiting for? The army is killing people, very unfair situation, unacceptable to take the army against civilians. They are our families and children. Please and one hundred please. We beg you to interfere immediately.


With regards,


Samar Faraj