Target: Stop The Design Plagiarism

I, the undersigned, would like to petition Target to admit to plagiarizing the #Merica and American flag tank top designs of Melissa Lay.


Melissa Lay is the owner and designer of Sandi Lake Clothing. All the tank tops and t shirts she sell in Etsy is her original designs and are manufactured right at her own garage. As seem in her Etsy page, she has posted and has been selling the tanks tops with #Merica and American flag design since last year. She even claimed that it was her bestsellers. She found out about Target's launch of tank tops with the same design as hers. The subtle differences cannot deny the fact that the tank tops from Target have the same design as the one she sells on her online shop.


Therefore, I implore Target to admit to plagiarizing Melissa Lay's tank top designs. Melissa Lay worked hard in creating the designs and shirts so please recognize the designs of Melissa Lay as the inspiration for your new tank top collection.


The Undersigned,


Theresa Bank

Author, "Everything There Is To Know About Infographic Design"

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