Response to Teaneck Township Manager's communications regarding Israel

To the Teaneck Township Council Members and Teaneck Manager,
On October 7, 2023, Teaneck residents received a message on Nixle from Teaneck's manager, Dean Kazinci: "ATTACK ON ISRAEL". Mr. Kazinci appropriately informed residents that two Council members currently in Israel were safe, and that there were no indications of threats to Township safety. For this we are grateful. We hope all Teaneck family members and their extended families and friends are safe whether they live in Israel, Gaza, or right here in Teaneck.
Beyond that, Mr. Kazinci stated his personal opinion about the current crisis in Israel. We strongly believe that it was inappropriate and wrong for Teaneck’s township manager to use Nixle, the Township website, and other social media to commmunnicate his personal opinion as a Township statement. This is well outside of the scope of his job as manager.
Doing this also displayed lack of sensitivity and knowledge about the diversity of opinions regarding Israeli-Palestinian politics among Teaneck's residents. We need to continue to welcome that diversity of opinion. We urge the Council to instruct the manager to send an update about the safety of two council members as needed. At the same time, Mr. Kazinci should apologize to residents for misusing the Nixle platform, Township website, and other social media to state his personal views on this matter and for offending residents who have different opinions.